See also, maybe, Chapter 30 (“Letter to John Kite”) How To Be Famous by Caitlin Moran...
See also, maybe, Chapter 30 (“Letter to John Kite”) How To Be Famous by Caitlin Moran...
I mean 18 is the age of consent in a lot of states, so...
This isn’t mine, but my mom’s—She’s back home from college during break and meets a local university guy at her summer job. He’s handsome, from Germany, and is interested in theater. All is great. He goes to pick my mom up on their first official date. The time (mid 1960's) dictated that the guy would be invited to my…
Late to this party but chiming in anyway: In high school, I was thrilled to be asked to the homecoming dance by one of the star football players. The plan was to meet up after the game, then head to the gym for the dance. When I got to our designated meeting place, I was surprised to see that his entire family—mom,…
We’re the same age, and he wasn’t a professor in my degree program. I was in a STEMmy field, and he’s a professor in a humanities type of thing. Because I took a few classes from other professors in his department, we’d been around each other at events his department hosted, and we began talking after he moderated a…
This isn’t a terrible story, but here it goes.
This was a terrible first date that became a love story to this day, this took place in 1991 right around the AIDS panic. I was 19, I worked in the hospital outpatient lab in the morning, and in the lab proper in the afternoons.
I really don’t understand why I see this “gosh, I don’t know what it is about Michael Avenatti that’s so attractive!” thing so often.
Buttons, hooks, and zippers are used on skin tight clothing to prevent problems. Snaps and velcro are used on loose clothing and stripper outfits.
Great idea! Somebody should kneel on his nuts.
There would certainly be less outrage over his nuts than if he knelt during the anthem.
Significantly less than 50% of the US population currently gets their period. Yet, lots of stores sell tampons.
Except that Nigeria has a population of 186 million; France has only 67 million. Even considering the higher literacy rate in France, there are actually considerably more literate people in Nigeria than in France.
There are lots of kinds of fish roe you might experience while eating sushi, but only very Americanized places will be serving them in any kind of sauce. The most common roe you’ll find is flying fish roe, which are the very tiny little eggs. In Americanized sushi, they’ll often show up in that mayo sauce you’re…
Yep. But the maternal excusal of molestation and attraction to klan-flavored self-proclaimed Christians is sort of a package deal. In their world: all blacks (except that one they like) are niggers, all girls are sexable, and all white men are just one lucky break from being a billionaire. Those women try to get in on…
If you illuminated your household Christmas tree with candles, you’d want the branches to be a bit sparse too.
The real answer is that the startup business is initially a marketing exercise. You build up a user base the same way you build up an audience for a film release. They are telling you that they could not get hot enough to make it by selling plus clothing in their fashion collection.
Good thing they are making him get his GED as part of the plea agreement. He speaks like he has a third grade education, and barely seems to grasp the concept that anything sexual involving a 13 year old girl is rape.