
Has anyone ever noticed how different men and women look when they go on talk shows? Men always look super comfortable; they lay back in the chair, they spread their legs. Women always lean forward, cross their legs, suck in their stomachs, position their elbows awkwardly on their knees, keep brushing their hair out

Just no. Bragging about or being "proud of" being thin is like bragging about being white or rich or being able-bodied or any other privilege. STFU forever or I will grab you by your bony clavicle and shove one thousand cakes down your sanctimonious maw.

Lifelong skinny woman here.

In my opinion, "Thin-shaming" falls under the same category as misandry and reverse-racism. It's not to say that it doesn't happen or that it doesn't exist, but what people need to realize is that when you come from the perspective of the privileged class, there's a huge difference in (pardon the pun) weight being

This reminds me of when white people say stupid shit like "why isn't there a white history month" or "why can't there be white pride parades" or talk about that one time a poc was mean to them. Just another example of ignoring your privilege.

Be sure you don't smoke around that straw feminist you're building, the sparks might jump and set you on fire too.

Ok I get what you are saying. Since departing from the "ha ha gay is funny" SNL days, Tina is really good at presenting a point of view that's clever and progressive. But the women's college premise does need a little more explanation. It does have to be sold to some network that could end up messing with it, so

I'm wondering how this will turn out. In my opinion, 30 Rock was deeply - DEEPLY - misogynistic (I'm sorry, I'm just not on board with, "it MUST be feminist because the writer and lead is a woman!"). I got through three and a half seasons, twice, before I ragequit. ....but over the last few months I've been

So now that we've proved that a show featuring primarily women can be successful (OITNB), can we PLEASE have a show set at a women's college with no "suddenly co-ed" gimmick?! Pretty please?! I'll even help write it. Hell, give us some money and my Agnes Scott friends and I will do the whole damn thing. $$$$$ NOW,

I have no sympathy for a child-raping kidnapper. If that's what you're into, more power to you, and also go iron your dick.

Even the book Lolita is always misinterpreted. The girl was crying, wanting to go home, and trusted the only adult she had access to. Humbert's story is twisted and insane.

I got into an argument with this guy about this girl on Gawker and he was also victim blaming her (saying she was in it all along and that she's not a victim at all) and said she was "attractive". I called him a pervert and he got mad at me lol. Well if you're going to publicly admit that a minor is attractive, don't

It's kind of the pinnacle of male entitlement, isn't it? 'You mean, a stripper might not want my semen on her body?'

Yeah, this product neither needs to exist, nor should it exist. The fact that it DOES exist bothers me. Just no. No. No no no.

Coming in your pants is never going to be a thing. Stop trying to make coming in your pants happen.

She just *said* it's not pro-feminist. Now get back to condemning the women you beat off to.

I think the problem with Choice Feminism isn't that those choices don't have any actual real-world ramifications for women that are tied up with patriarchy and misogyny but that Choice Feminism narrows the gaze to issues like lipstick and high heels and bras and "empowerment" issues, rather than focusing on the

I just don't think we should shame women for their personal pube choices. Isn't feminism about choice?

This quote does more to dismantle choice-feminism than so many others.

Ugggh white kids.