
Yeah, that’s truth. It is unfortunate that it takes away from somebody who has put in the time and money to get to that top level. I’ve been off instagram for a few months now and it’s refreshing, but also as somebody that only does photos as a hobby I’ll admit I haven’t been as inspired to go out and shoot either.

I’ve got a sony a6000 with a speedboster pentax K adapter. I travel with that, a pentax film body, and 1 set of lenses. The last trip I took I rented an a7rii. I’ll probably end up upgrading to something in the a7 series permanently, it’s just a ton of performance for the form factor

I’ll admit I was probably being a bit harsh with the 10% thing. My point was mostly to say that if you’re shooting for yourself on a low res platform like instagram, you could make something that looks similar with a lot less work. Photography can sometimes seem like this super daunting thing where you need thousands

Thanks for the insight. I can totally see how the one big softbox thing would look the same on all cars, and I was no way suggesting it could be a real replacement for the type of work done here. Obviously working with plates on each section of the car and stitching allows them to selectively light each part of the

I still shoot a lot of film, and have flown with it a few times in the last couple of years. While in the pre-9/11 you could probably get by with a lead shielded bag in your carry on, that won’t fly now.

I didn’t know there was a name for the 80-20 rule, I’ve just always kind of weighed that in my head.

I think you need a show called ‘Anthropomorphize this’. First episode: this pump car

Nice work. I was thinking basically a setup like this:

The lines get blurry for sure. Do I have a lot more respect for the old school film photogs that could get the shot they wanted in one exposure? Sure I do, but also you can do a lot of the same tricks in the literal darkroom that you can do in lightroom, it just takes longer and smells worse. Same thing with music, I

I think you’re probably on the money with your percentages. I’m not a pro although I’ll occasionally have paying gigs and have done a little graphic design too. If you start with something 75% of the way to how you like it, you can get your end result easily enough. If you take a junk photo you can still probably

I’m not a pro, but I did somehow end up in the position to do a shoot for one of my favorite bands Crooked Still a couple years ago. I knew one of the members a little, and half out of wanting the experience/half out of wanting a free ticket to their reunion show I asked if I could maybe do some behind the scenes

That’s more or less my feelings on things. I still shoot lots of film, so I always like to figure out how to do everything I can in camera. Last year I did start playing around with light painting and doing some stacking and it’s fun, but a whole other way of working.

Speaking as one who has never been hired to photograph a supercar, If you don’t care about having the same incredible quality/detail you could probably fake 90% of the look in 1 exposure with just a giant softbox overhead in a dark garage. That extra 10% of perfection is what I imagine takes many more hours, many more

I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say ‘anything’ with an electric motor needs to be registered, but at least here in NY they’ve already modified their moped laws to cover electric vehicles. Last I checked anything on 2 wheels that rides in the road (either gas or electric) is SUPPOSED to be registered. Sure there

This just makes me think of nudie suits. Not what I would typically associate with a Rolls interior

I had a 2002 gti with the 1.8t. I replaced nearly the front half of the car several times over in 5 years time before selling it with this many miles for about $1200... 6 years ago. While those 6 years have soothed some of the wounds, I’m still not crazy enough to want to repeat the process of owning an old MK4 VW

Well played

I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently. My commute is about 15 miles, but I can take back roads most of the way if I want. I’ve got a motorcycle, but even 750cc is still way more than I need to make the trip. At the same time, it’s a over what I’d want to put on my 50cc Vespa Ciao and while I can bicycle the

While I realize this will never be the reality for a number of reasons, I’m totally here for the option to buy a ‘stripper’ version of any car sold today.

While there is no doubt a reason this stuff comes standard on cars now, I don’t think it can be as cut and dry as ‘here’s the reason. Now just accept it’. Cars get heavier to deal with crash ratings or way more powerful and adaptive systems are designed to help hide some of the effects. Company A makes an emergency