2,800 hp, 6 second 1/4, and street legal. Who’s starting the Kickstarter to get this thing across the pond and in drag week?
2,800 hp, 6 second 1/4, and street legal. Who’s starting the Kickstarter to get this thing across the pond and in drag week?
Oh hey, I’m in range for those 3 stations as well. Hi neighbor (Yes I realize the overlap is pretty large so you could easily still be a couple hours away)
Thanks for reminding me it’s high time to try out the couple rolls of slide film I got at b&h last year and have been staring at in the freezer ever since
I had an e34 535 with the LSD (and sadly an auto) as my second car some 12 years ago. I paid $2200 for it then, and it had higher miles and more rust. $6500 today seems like a good price to right the transmission wrongs and have some more fun. Who cares if it’s slow by today’s standards, you can’t understand how…
Come on... I thought things couldn’t get much worse in the midst of a global pandemic, but I guess I was wrong. Good luck in wherever you end up Kristen! Your writing will be missed, as well as your quality photography. Thankfully there is still Instagram for the latter
Are the modern changes enough to make it livable despite its low power? I’ve had a number of older bikes, and for the last 7 years my bike has been a 1978 kz750 twin. It’s finally gotten to the point where I spend more time working on it than riding, and after having 2 kids in short order the amount of time I have for…
Oh I won’t, I could totally see that happening. I just knew this was been named a Corvette first and foremost from the beginning
I’m not going to pretend I went to nearly the lengths of modernization you did, but I got this late 80's Raleigh Technium on Craigslist for $80. I then spent maybe $250 on new wheels and tires, a tuneup, saddle, bar wrap, and brake pads. I then put it through 2 (sprint and olympic) triathlons and 2 Seneca 7 77 mile…
Even though I’ve never been a huge ‘Vette fan and this is a car I will probably never own, I’ve felt tied to this project for a few years now. My wife’s step dad works at the Milford proving grounds and I remember hearing about it maybe 4+ years ago before spy shots started showing up. It’s cool to look back at the…
As usual, great photographs and an informative write up.
I was going to say, the same motor in my OBXT made 250 back in 05/06, so those numbers seemed pretty low
I’ve always loved those Kawasaki built trains with the orange interiors. Somewhat ironic as a casual graffiti fan, as those are the cars that ‘won the war’ on subway graffiti by making the redbirds obsolete
Looks like Raph took the photos, nice work. Goes well with the tone of the writing
Right, poor choice of words on my part. I realize the actual airfame the 737 is based on goes back quite a ways, but the MAX designation was new. The actual jet we rode on was delivered less than a month before our flight
My wife and I flew to Ireland and back on MAX jets barely a month old last year right before this all came out. I was suspicious of a new airframe then, but I had no idea how validated those suspicions would become. Yikes!
Good job sir
Since Toyota and Subaru are all into sharing these days can they slap a Subaru badge on this bad daddy, call it the ‘Justy STI’, and offer it in the states? Please and thank you?
I agree, after a few years of not caring about Bugattis in general there was a Bugatti rally in town last year. I saw about 100 prewar models and 1 Chiron. Just looking at that car up close told me I needed to rethink my stance on them. Sure they might be mostly used as rich person lawn jewelry, but it’s not entirely…
Never thought I’d agree with the sphincter of a Greek deity, but here we are