
You know, I never thought I would get here but I found myself making a similar statement the other day. I find driving non-manual cars snore inducing, and I’ll probably always daily a manual even if that means keeping up a decades old beater eventually. Having complete control over the drivetrain makes a HUGE

Yes and no. I run driving lamps in the middle and fogs on the outside. If it’s snowing hard the driving lights are pretty useless as you say, unless you need some extra punch to make out a distant road sign or something for bearing. The fogs, on the other hand, are worth their weight in gold. Surprisingly much more

I had 2 sets of hellas on my car when I met my wife, so I did the same with my next car too. It’s honestly super practical for avoiding deer at night and commuting in snowstorms

That is an important distinction

Not after the 3rd gen, at least in terms of one I’d want to drive.

I guess I didn’t think too hard before typing this morning... glad the situation isn’t quite as bleak as I thought.

Mmm, those are some nice wagons

I have a 3rd gen... which I consider the last true ‘wagon’ outback. They get pretty tall after that.

So it’s officially impossible to buy a new wagon in the US now? These truly are dark times.

Electric car company cuts corners? Shocking.

Most rally tires only come in 14" and 15", so part of building a rally car is sometimes putting SMALLER brakes on it. I mean of course they are probably beefier and with more pistons than stock still, but that broke my brain when I first heard it. Hello, I’m building a race car. Do you have smaller brakes please?

Value. It’s what let me get into many hobbies as a kid with no money, and now that I have a little money keeps me cheap.

I don’t remember much about Redline (was in the area at the time, but not really into late model corvettes/camaros). Still, I live in the area so when I read your comment I had to do some digging. Looks like the guy (Howard Turner) did indeed move the shop from Schenectady to Florida as you said. This blog post from

I wouldn’t be surprised if whoever buys this buys it as a 2nd or 3rd car, but I doubt the gearbox will be the reason for that at all. I’ve spent at least 2 weeks driving manual rental cars in Ireland and it took about 20 minutes to get the hang of shifting RHD. Not only that, but my second time there a year later the

I mean that’s understandable. NYC almost went bankrupt in the ‘80s, and the trash strike certainly wouldn’t have made the place any nicer. Here’s a view of the south Bronx circa 1980, courtesy of the fantastic Steven Siegel photo collection. Looks nice

My wife is from Flint and her dad still lives there. This looks.... atrocious - But if I saw this for sale next time we visit at that price, saying I could drive away without at least thinking about it would be a lie.

This is a classic subaru, and I’d rock it. But not at all for that price.

Growing up my dad drove a grey Ford Tempo, followed by a white Contour. Not by choice, mind you - they were handed down from my grandmother and my parents took what they could get at the time.