Jon Lancaster

A 962, 924 GTP and 916 2.7 are not dime-a-dozen Porsches.  Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.  However, the Cosmo is very pretty.

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

I’ve never had any respect for Nolan or his work but I can’t believe his big gimmick in a 200 million dollar movie is the just a fancy digital variation of the old running-the-film-backward schtick from every other fucking episode of “Bewitched.” Beyond that, this is a premise even a bunch of 10-year olds would shoot

And once again, the internet ignores the expert and makes its own opinion.

Sadly, CP.

The PDK is truly something special and not a pedestrian dual clutch. It makes sense it just about the entire lineup as an option.

Nothing. I feel nothing. Fuck you.

they got what they all deserved for ordering papa johns and pizza hut

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

BMW driver loses his chill, accidentally use the blinkers



Death Star? The sphere that shoots one giant beam? This looks more like a flower on the end of a long stem, a blossom, a... death blossom if you will.

Also, I don’t really like driving the Model S. It still feels like a prototype.

Not really obnoxious, but there's an older couple who always come to our local cars and coffee with their Tesla and they always have the hood open while they sit in their matching Tesla folding chairs with matching sweaters and hats. It's an odd mixture of annoying/adorable.

I’ve had an experience with an obnoxious Tesla employee, who could have been an owner. The other day I was in the Denver Tesla Store (the one in the mall; not sure if that’s the only one in the Denver area). I’d seen plenty of Tesla’s on the road before but this was the first time I’d examined one in person. Almost

None of you know crazy until Gary-f**king-Busey road rages you. Nope, not kidding: