
Mate, I realize that corporations are treated as people for tax purposes, but if you think that comparing a giant corporation, with near limitless resources to maximize return on investment, to a blue-collar manufacturing guy trying to provide for his family and enjoy a bit of life, you need to seriously reevaluate

but is making money truly the point of life? money for what? to spend? moving goods around? is that actually our goal? abstracting goods and services to that level is to take society and economy to be one and the same. you’re veering close to viewing populations as “customers” or “assets” with that line of thinking.

Highly religious people scare me more than gangsters.

I came to say something like this.  As somebody that works in the industry, OEMs don’t take lightly when shit like this hits the media.  There’s a lot of back door planning and logistic loses.

“Ford is likely very interested in who he might be and whether his employment might be terminated”

With the F150 spy shots that happened last week, I heard that someone was let go for it. That’s at least what I heard from friends in that facility. I’ll have to ask around friends who are in the prototype plant about these Bronco shots. I know that Ford has been doing A LOT to keep them under wraps (ex: locking the

God, why does your comment have such a whiny rightist political bent? I’m here for cars.

So, M4A then?

I’m genuinely surprised anyone buys a traditional car from a dealership in Colorado. From my time living on the western slope and shopping vehicles literally every single dealer in the state is a price gouger especially with 4x4 and AWD. Drove 3 hours to New Mexico and saved $5,000 on my truck with no effort at all.  E

I used to drive past a college campus on my way home from work, and would always yield to people in the crosswalks (law in PA). The number of people who would use the shoulder to pass me after I stopped, almost hitting the person trying to cross the street, was staggering. Same for people who pass when I pull over for

Wow! It’s Brett from the article. Thanks so much for picking me! Sorry I didn’t see this yesterday. It was my birthday and I was busy spending time with family and trying to enjoy myself. It’s a rare day that goes by where I don’t jump on Jalopnik. But this turned out to be a pretty awesome birthday surprise.


The use of the Justice Department by Trump under christian zealot Barr, to prosecute perceived political enemies is only going to get worse now that he has been written a blank check. Barr now has a “special” process set up for giulliani and his swirling madness. The republicans are fine with this and worked hard to

Fuck Donald Trump. This is all. 

So, dumb. Got it.

because we all know it won’t serve the masses, just the avocado toast eating crowd in King County.”

When rich people stop being selfish and dumb people stop being dumb.

I am no longer surprised by the daily depths of stupidity that oozes from the pores of our corrupt president.

Actually, you'll be jerking it to Amanda Bynes while watching reality TV.

Also.. anyone who calls Notorious BIG and Jam Master Jay "Basically the same thing" has less of a clue about rap than my Grandmother who was born in the 30's. Their lives, their styles, and the shit they were involved in were two wholly