Not to mention the fact the British accent was completely made up in the 1800s.
Well, you better tell Google and Oxford, when googling the word it provides a pronunciation: ‘jaɡˌwär, along with a helpful audio clip of the word.
You sound exactly like a “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” MAGAt.
Almost as technically impressive, my version of Pitfall!
Have you seen the video on this? My initial reaction to the speed was “way over 100 mph” and when the police said 90 mph I flat-out did not believe them. 130 mph is totally consistent with what you see in the video.
Lol. You guys are pulling down $180k and can’t afford the fucking lease on an EV? You must have terrible budgeting skills.
I can’t believe that we live in a country that would allow someone like this to be appointed to a lifetime term on the Supreme Court.
look, process servers go where they can get to someone. The client doesn’t dictate when and where they serve the summons. She’s being really silly. This is nothing at all like the pirate.
I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at your ageism
Okay, but when I worked at a Starbucks in Santa Cruz like 20 years ago there were homeless people shitting on the floor of the bathroom and washing their clothes in the toilet. Guess who had to clean that up? The employees. Guess who successfully lobbied to close the bathroom to the public? The employees. Does that…
“I literally slept under my desk early in my career. And we looked at that like a badge of honor.”
Slim trouses can go get stuffed.
This is just a normalizing of the hideous. I’ve been worn down in the same way with all GM trucks over the past couple years. I start to feel charitable toward the awful, overwrought design, then snap out of it when I actually consider spending my own money on one.
I’ve worked in QA most of my career (not games) and not having access to the development team and product managers would simply not allow me to do my job properly: without knowing where to focus my efforts, without a gateway into the code so I’d have a kind of clue as to how to try to stress it, I don’t know how I’d…
And in the rain. And the fog (but never your high beams).
Airlines used to have metal templates at boarding gates to test luggage; if it didn’t fit, it got gate checked. They need to go back to this. I was on a flight a few weeks ago and was flabbergasted at the size of some of the “carry ons” that people were trundling down the gangway onto the plane.
Do not use xanthan gum, it’s a tool of the weak and inexperienced. One tablespoon of high proof alcohol, I used vodka, does a better job than xanthan gum will ever do. Also the “get it into the freezer to keep the air out” business is nonsense. You get it into the freezer because the longer it takes for it to harden…
I think according to the surveys over the years, the peak of conservatism was around the 1950s, since then the popularity have been on steady decline. I think from some of the more recent polling only about 35% of US population define themselves as conservatives, far from the 50%.