
Nope. It was obvious he didn’t to anyone with a brain.

Rock didnt know, so there was no punching down.  Stop saying that.

He had no idea she has that condition.

Cool- say something offensive to me so I can come over and slap you upside the head.

Rock clearly didn’t know she had that condition...comedians who punch down get axed from the circuit pretty quickly.

Half a jillion Euros


Tomatoface, is that you?!

Many many places have no true diners.

Joints are the biggest waste of weed. Bowls , then bongs are the least wasteful.

We get the first Friday off of every month.  It is glorious.


Counterpoint:  Motorcycles suck and lane-splitting (call it what it is) is obnoxious and dangerous to cars and trucks who are changing lanes in slow moving traffic.

Not while the truck is moving, numbskull.  Jeez.

Sounds like its time to start slashing some trucker tires.

You have no rights.  See George Carlin.  

And the ground is too hard packed and dry to absorb the water quickly, so, yeah, floods happen in a flash.

This dealership is, no joke, 10 mins from where I last lived in NY AND I went on a test drive there about 18 months ago.

Are you guys not aware of Dutch Brothers old scheme to get customers in their drive thrus?  Young attractive college/HS age females to work at the window.  Their coffee is not good, thus, the line.

Black coffee is horrendous.