
Wendy’s chicken is absolutely disgusting now. They changed it recently and its dry and inedible.  The one or two things you cannot F with Chik Fil A on are its chicken (delicious) and the shakes.

Zero sympathy for a 2 home owning, First Edition Bronco ordering rich guy who should have known better, but sounds like a dopey spoiled brat.

Agreed- he made it functional only, not pretty or polished.

If you live somewhere that you actually have to think about someone stealing your car on a daily basis, you have bigger problems than the “is the manual tougher to jack than an automatic”?

That are almost always full of traffic, tourists, tractor trailers and slowpokes.

There is nowhere in the world where a manually shifted car changes gears faster or better (and that’s what this argument is all about) than the best newer automatics do. That’s just a fact.

No need to ride the brakes all the time, just many people never learn how to coast autos properly.

Because in traffic, the stop and go and engaging/disengaging of the clutch is constant, and annoying.  And also, if you happen to have any leg or foot issues, downright painful.

Insane why there’s so many manuals on the roads in the they not like faster shifts and no burden on your left foot?

And we all know what Tami is too...hubba hubba.

It is virtually impossible to only go 35 on that stretch of road.  Traffic is FLYING by in multiple lanes (75 mph is normal) is STEEP.

See how many people get pardoned in a year out of the hundreds of thousands of people serving time right now.  A pardon isnt a check, its another political ploy to win over demographic groups.

No, you have them because of ‘getting tough on crime legislators’ who impose these Draconian minimums to show they’re badasses.

That happens far less than throwing the book at a POC defendant.

No, all.

Erm, why arent you recycling the cardboard egg container?

Only psychopaths put the shells back, clearly.

Disgusting practice.  Tell him to lick his fingers when he’s done and watch the fun.

This is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard of...WHO DOES THIS?!

Edits: “Over all” should be “Overall” and “Cut-and-dry” should be “cut and dried”.