You’re wrong about everything you just wrote. EVERYTHING.
You’re wrong about everything you just wrote. EVERYTHING.
Constitutional scholar, I see...where did you earn your degree, sir?
Shitload of righties do. They don’t like protests of any kind and if it affects their life in any way (see “traffic snarls”) they freak the f out.
And errr jerrrrrbs!
You should have left WEEKS ago, numbskull. Too late.
Too goddamned bad you spoiled, entitled asshole.
Because rural areas dont have the ability to deal with you IF you wind up sick up there. “I want to check on my second home” is going to get you ZERO sympathy from anyone, anywhere.
Too cold. Takes months. Next.
Yeah. That’s what it’s going to come down to. Please.
Too goddamned bad. This is a fucking PANDEMIC, do you not UNDERSTAND that ALL BETS ARE FUCKING OFF right now?
Sadly, your fellow citizens have shown that as a group, you cannot be trusted.
Just shut the fuck up already and stop belaboring your non-point. Stay home and please don’t ever procreate.
try to make sure the cure isn’t worse than the disease
Too fucking bad. Deal with it.
Take it easy pal. And don’t come back.
But this isn’t a POLITICAL fight. It’s a fight against SCIENCE.
and on cocaine
You Nice Price people are out of your frickin minds.
*Can’t talk now because the Publix branding put me to sleep*
You lost me at “Artificially flavored”