I just hope Bubbles is ok....
I just hope Bubbles is ok....
and 1950
As if she was ever ‘in’.
Thanks Ted
Do you think its a good time as a consumer to buy a used car then? Im in the market for one, if I can find a dealer that’s open (some are here in NY, by appointment only).
No, but solidly middle class (not quite upper middle class but above avg. If you break it down into actual hours worked, the decent salary doesn’t seem so hot) Some producers, programmers and managers exceed 6 figures, sure. But that’s like 10 pct or less of the team.
Of course you are. Sorry to bother you Mr. Buffett.
T-t-t-taking out you suckas and you don’t know how I did it!!!
Hicks dig the long con
What? Please tell me this isn’t the old right-wing canard of“Double Taxation”, is it? I’m not sure you understand how taxation works.
Oh jeez. You’re one of ‘those’ people, aren’t you?
Name names or GTFO!!!
Im a longtime video game developer, so there’s no need to inform me of anything. And they’re not making an avg of 8 k a month (96 k gross per year per employee is too high of an estimate). 300 people is the biggest team Ive ever heard of. Just massive.
Yours is the correct take. The author is on drugs.
And you know they can never be wack!
I can’t believe the budget was that big...that’s just madness.
Lesson 1, job seekers: Never ever expect bonuses, especially the ‘promise’ of them for future endeavors, to replace good ole week to week salary when deciding to join a company and negotiating compensation. The bonuses almost always 1) Are less than presented 2) Never materialize at all.
By any financial measure, what you did was not wise. Student loan debt is the ‘best’ loan debt to carry long term due to its low interest rate. Just because you rushed to pay it off, when the vast majority don’t, you can’t blame them for not doing the same. Sorry, but your maneuver wasn’t financially prudent.
Agreed...end it now.