
At one point, yes, the NRA was getting on board with gun control ideas. Then it stopped in its tracks and never again supported ANY legislation to control guns. This is not debatable.

Incorrect. Even Scalia said reasonable limitations on firearm ownership is not prohibited by the Second Amendment or any other law. That’s why you can’t (easily) own heavy weapons or automatic machine guns and many cities can create their own restrictive laws around their possession. Your precious, designed to only kil

Nope, helping their state breathe better.

Fee fees hurt?

How about another oldie but a goodie?

+1 Pryor

Peter Crouch, Mark II

They’re basically the two most consistently ‘popular’ teams in the NFL tho.  So, lots of eyeballs.  And its likely the best divisional rivalry in the league.  

Sorry Italy, in this case we will not fuhgeddaboudit!

Now playing

I wonder if these fans ever saw the “The Sicilian speech” by Dennis Hopper in True Romance...

THC does not have periods between each letter, F.D.A.Ass.hole!

At least you have chicken

Wait, there’s ALLIANCE SHAMAN IN WOW now?  W t f?

Back under the bridge with ye, troll!  

I think the only one to ever like Toledo was Corporal Klinger.

Or the ginger son of John Lithgow

Actually, the oil and gas companies make a lot of large, long-term investments all the time. They really aren’t about immediate return.

Boars Head is to cold cuts and cheese as Porsche is to vehicles...there is no substitute!

Such a great song

Bingo.  Thank you.