
I want my seats to be on Mare Ingenii (Sea of Cleverness!), ten rows up from the home plate module.

Our 2 Little League fields had no outfield fence...both fields had outfields that abutted one another but were far enough away from each other that they didn’t interfere. So, to hit a homer, you had to hit it far enough over the outfielder’s head or split the gap between them.

The problem with “we all think we’re the only person capable of “flying correctly.” is that everyone surely can’t be right despite everyone thinking so.  Someone, likely most of us, are just WRONG.

Someone alert The Enterprise and rouse the double dumb asses!

Starlord and Gamora romance is a pretty big deal in the films...(not that it’s done poorly, but certainly not pushed to the wayside)

Nice double post, rookie

You really are a consistent jagoff, aren’t you?

The band was about to explode and be the biggest in the nation right when he committed was so surreal, like watching a growing swell become a tidal wave then poof, it just disappeared.

Fucked with” and “assaulted/shot at/killed” are entirely different things. And maybe your friends weren’t innocent of causing a problem?

A lazy unresearched college town comparison. Madison is nowhere near as open and tolerant of a city.

Of course, no one has been disputing this (City got good when the money got spent), but that’s the truth for ALL teams...none stand a chance winning the CL without a massive payroll (let’s say Top 10-15 in the world).

Definitely uncool...gotta prepare for the trip!

What Snotty said, terrific work Cece, especially since I was considering going into eSports as a profession...this article is a real eye-opener.

I can see it now, Briles in the Mt. Vernon HS locker room delivering his pre-game speech

This guy is a true dick...screwing with “only” one train exponentially screws the other trains around them (each single stoppage of a train involved thousands of people getting delayed for who knows how long).

How about you just go deal with your hurt feels elsewhere and leave the rest of us alone, eh? You know nothing about the city and never will because you’re being intentionally ignorant and feigning outrage about nothing.

+1 Yogism

It kind of is, but it also has lots of reasons that it’s great too, which tends to outweigh the pain in the arse items.

Is it Judd? It’s gotta be Judd!!

Maybe not influence, but they’re worth just as much, or more, as the top clubs.