This is how you get ants

The last guy who tried to use genetics to cure deafness developed some sweet sonar abilities. Among other things...

Aldnoah Zero is pretty damn good if you haven’t watched it yet. The series is on Crunchyroll.

My sincere apologies upfront for forgetting the specific names of a couple of characters. I’ve lent the book to a friend and haven’t read it in a while as a refresher. I promise I liked these characters though ha. *EDIT: just saw your link and fixed the general’s name below!

It gets much better. The last third of the book has the rise of quite a few great female characters.

I definitely had to go back on multiple occasions. It was a little hard to remember some minor characters.

Man, I can’t say enough about this book. I unexpectedly ended up spending an entire weekend reading it. Ken Liu’s writing style is extremely elegant and paints a very vivid picture of the world he’s created. Personally, reading a fantasy novel that is heavily influenced by Eastern styles and culture was a breath of

As soon as I saw this headline I knew it was FF9. Impossible to be anything else. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO CHILDREN?

Oh look, people who said the cell phone shot trailer was too dark, the actual trailer is bright as shit. Because that's how things look when not shot from a phone in a dark theater

“Robinson! Why did you head for home?”

Haha oh man you're spot on for Coachella! I've never been and I'm sure it's a great event that's executed well but the type of crowds there are just not my scene. And no Lolla isn't a camping, so B'roo kind of stands alone as far as it's size and scope. Although there's a new camping festival this year in Ontario,

Exactly. Or if they failed to have proper security, the right permits, not enough medical personnel, etc. The list goes on and on for things that could be devastating. It's a very specific arrangement of endless things that combine to make it run smoothly.

Yeah it was a smart move hiring the Phish guys to start out. The fact they had such a strong start is probably why they've been so successful over the years.

Bonnaroo is presented by AC Entertainment and Superfly Presents. Superfly does Outside Lands alongside Another Planet Entertainment and Starr Hill Presents. Goldenvoice isn't involved in either event.

Did you not have non-disclosure agreements with the artists? It's kind of questionable revealing how much they were paid.

Avengers here we come

Dammit. +1

So...what if she played Death? Deadpool's on again/off again, can never be together because he literally cannot die, love/lust interest? THAT would be interesting.

Best story is a joke. Decent story with the weakest ending this side of Mass Effect 3. It was a fun game with great gameplay and a brilliant idea with the Nemesis system. I can see best adventure game but certainly not best story.

Read it again carefully...try to get the joke. You can do it.

I mean...would you not?