This is how you get ants

This is the type of trailer they should’ve been aiming for all along. As a stand alone trailer it doesn’t tell us much about the plot (so no spoilers aka Doomsday), it shows Batman kicking ass in a similar style of the Arkham games, and more than anything (as you’ve repeatedly pointed out) it polarizes the two heroes



This might be an unpopular opinion...but I’m still bitter about that ending to ME3. Never forget.

Caitlin didn’t call him out for being uneducated. She mentioned that he had a 4.0 and didn’t go to college regardless, which didn’t make sense to her. She just thought he was lazy and foolish to pass up the chance of being a superhero like he did with not going to college (and then she later learned that he didn’t go

I realize that. I linked it to show that while a trans person can justifiably use the locker room, in that same scenario with a person pretending to be trans in order to gain access would be able to do so despite a potential complaint. The woman who complained was concerned to see what she believed to be a man in the

I suppose bathrooms alone don’t have much of an argument. However, locker rooms are a better example than a bathroom. See the linked story for an example.

While it’s not a sufficient reason to vote with Berkman on this issue as a whole, it’s delusional to think that some non-trans people won’t take advantage of laws allowing trans to be in the “opposite gendered” bathrooms or locker rooms by pretending to be trans. Will it be widespread? Probably not, but it’s enough of

Maybe he’s relatively new to the whole superhero business and he just made his own suit which couldn’t withstand the pressure of his constant speed, which causes it to look old and worn down.

I’m sweating from trying not to burst out laughing at this at work. Beautiful.

“It’s something we don’t tolerate. It’s something we can’t stand. You don’t walk up to another man and punch him in the face.”

Seriously, why is Hawkeye not in these photos. Tragic.

The dog has something on his front left leg, might be a bandage, which could explain the awkward movements

I didn’t realize knees, lower legs, and half of an arm constituted as soft porn. #themoreyouknow

I think it’s time for a new one.

I was able to experience this yesterday at Forecastle Festival in Louisville and it absolutely blew my mind. Experiencing it firsthand and being totally immersed in the world was absolutely captivating. Without a doubt it is one of the most impressive things I’ve ever come across. I can’t wait to see how this develops

Ah, that sounds fantastic, I can’t wait to read it! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions!

Hey Ken,