
I suspect is has more to do with the same reason that all CBS shows get high ratings: nursing home TVs that never change channels.

“300 years after man declared God dead,”
Speculate on what the hell happened in 2007 below!

after some hardcore lobbying on her part...

I 100% will and do discriminate against all trump supporters whenever I can. I won’t hire one, I won’t let any come to my Sunday NFL parties, I’ve cut off a half dozen friends and several family members. Fuck trump supporters. You made your fucking racist bed, enjoy it, motherfucker.

If you told me five years ago there is a group of Americans that make the Juggalos look sane and reasonable...

I had a copy of this a couple of years back. I found it during one of my thrift store visits for $1.91 complete. Being a WWII buff and lusting over these games when I was in HS in the late 70s I bought it.

The ending became lack luster because they cut out all religious references. The strigoi came into existence because of a rebellious angel of death that was punished by being cut into different pieces and cast over the Earth. Each piece became a “master” with the last piece cut off, the mouth, forming the Master who

Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a job because he won’t stand.

So true. We didn’t need to know WHY he painted over his mustache, he just DID, and so you knew he was crazy.

This might be the most “It’s like Die Hard, but in a building!” pitch I’ve seen in a long time.

It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker. As a kid, he had a permanent smile and everyone made fun of him. It’s like on the streets of Brooklyn. It’s super dark and real.

I listen to this while taking a shit

Bleeding Cool claims to have more details on its previous rumor that a kids-focused Fantastic Four movie focusing on the children of Reed and Sue Richards, Franklin and Valeria, is in the works.

I love Taylor Swift. Red is a great album. Speak Now is a great album. 1989 is a good album. This? This is bad. It’s almost ok. And then oh dear God that shite excuse for a chorus kicks in and it’s all over.

Val Kilmer’s ready to squeeze back into that suit!

Well, I’m no Stormcloak, Greys are fine with me.

This site revamp is the Iron Fist of site revamps.

I can see I’m not wanted here...