
It seems like there is a 2/1 ration of ads/story now. And if that isn’t accurate, then your ads look amazingly like your stories, which might be the intention from your sponsors, but is disasterous for your readers. The old site was clear and easy to read/follow. This...isn’t.

Guillermo del Toro is RIGHT THERE.

Wait. I thought Thor lost his hammer. Also, did comic art get worse in the past 20 years (I haven’t been a regular comic buyer since 2000)? It just seems like Marvel and DC are rushing everything and the product is suffering (the stories have been crap since the New 52 and Marvel NOW! re-boots, and now it looks like

Batman Returns

I imagine he sold the rights to most of these decades ago and now, when an ad for one pops up on his 125" tv screen he has a moment of “Oh, I’d totally forgotten about that one”

I’ve got four episodes of The Strain on my DVR, read the books and watched the first three seasons but I just. can’t. do. it.

So, I dropped out after the pilot (but loved the novella and the movie): where there bugs? Are they real? Does all of this take place in people’s heads? Also, WTF? I was concerned at the bad reviews because I originally thought this was a SyFy show...Once I realized it was a Spike show (the ! is silent but always

I’m guessing it was a budget issue (although how Marvel/Disney can have budget issues is a mystery to me) but, remember in DD season 2 when about 1,000 ninjas invaded a hospital? Yet, now, at their super secret HQ, there are only half a dozen, and they don’t look like ninjas, but college students wearing all black?

If they do have a second season of Iron Fist it’d be a nice course correction if the just wholesale adapted Matt Fraction’s run on The Immortal Iron Fist. It’d give him a chance to return to K’un L’ung and train to be a badass AND get a new actor (Danny, you look...different somehow. Yeah, I’ve been training in the

Nine comments for a show that normally gets hundreds. Nope. No issues with Kinja here.

Well...that was a pain in the ass. Plus side: Now I can discuss things on Deadspin and iO9.

I love this movie. Saw it in the theatre and was blown away. I know people hate on Snyder, but this film kicks ass.

They clearly wanted to close out Benjen's story/plot thread so, whoop! Here you go. The showrunners stated as much in the "after the episode" section on HBO.

In DD didn't they hint that the Black Sky has…powers? Like, people were afraid of that little kid in the cage, and Stick straight up murdered him, but Electra goes through all of this mumbo-jumbo and comes out…a ninja? Like she was before? Okay, she's a bit stronger, but I was expecting some sort of, I don't know,

I'm fine with The Hand as they're Daredevil's (main) antagonist in his comics, especially Miller's run which his show is clearly based on. I get making them Iron Fist's nemesis as well, since the pantheon of Chinese mythology he fights in his own book would confuse non-comic historians watching the character for the

Gao was almost a Daredevil ally in Season One.

Evidently, those of us who read the books and were glad the show dropped the overt religious background were…wrong? Is it possible The Strain would be better with an ancient angels vs demons storyline?

Show ends with Jamie becoming a Walker…and killing his sister.