
I'm fine with The Hand as they're Daredevil's (main) antagonist in his comics, especially Miller's run which his show is clearly based on. I get making them Iron Fist's nemesis as well, since the pantheon of Chinese mythology he fights in his own book would confuse non-comic historians watching the character for the

Gao was almost a Daredevil ally in Season One.

Evidently, those of us who read the books and were glad the show dropped the overt religious background were…wrong? Is it possible The Strain would be better with an ancient angels vs demons storyline?

Show ends with Jamie becoming a Walker…and killing his sister.

1. This doesn't sound like a good enough project for Jeff Bridges to have cut his hair and fantastic beard for.
2. Sure, it's a dick move, but your man is going to drop Cynthia Nixon for Kate Beckinsale all day, every day, and no court is going to convict him.

I'd like to thank The AV Club for clueing me in to how bad this was early on. I watched the pilot, liked it, then read the spoiler that, no, there aren't any actual monsters because…reasons, I guess? Low budget? Something? So I check in from time to time to see if it's worth catching up on demand but, nope, doesn't

On the Not Lame side Depeche Mode released "Ultra" in 1997 and nothing since as been as good. I know Dave was in full-on heroin mode but the album still stands strong 20 years later.

I remember Lost in Space for a few things, namely that Matt LeBlanc was waaay better than I thought he'd be as Action Tough Guy and that the film just kind of…ended…without an actual ending. It was also when Gary Oldman was playing slightly different versions of the same crazy character (ie the 90s).

Dredd is satire (especially the 2000AD stuff). It's almost camp. 300 (and the Spartans) have become the meme of every internet tough guy about how American/Western society should be.

The oldest group of Millenials are in their early 30s.

It's this sort of meaningful commentary that brings me back to The AV Club time and time again.

"Nyah, nyah, nyah-nyah-NYah"


You get all the likes for name-dropping Repo Man. Haven't seen that film for ages but loved it in high school. Also, never bought Emelio Estevez as a punk. : )

None of those bands that came out in the 90s (Green Day, The Offspring, et al) are punk. Those are rock bands with short haircuts. If you want actual punk music you've got to go back to the 70s and (mostly early) 80s. Black Flag, TSOL, Dead Kennedys, Crass, etc. By 1993 Subarus were being called "punk rock" and the

Urban can be the Big Star but I agree with others that this would work best as an anthology series, with PSI Division, muties, Block Wars, even Judge Death.

Mind. Blown.