
Reading this article makes me glad I stopped reading comics in 2005. I mean….


Wait - there was a *third* Porky's?

I get it; you liked/loved the show. I didn't. I guess I should have watched, what, the first season? The second? Then I'd be allowed to not like it. It's like escargot, or death metal, or the Alt Right; you can't dislike them when you first come across them. You should spend lots of your time on something you

Should I provide links to the literally hundreds of think pieces on "What's Wrong with HBO's Girls?" or nah?

I watched just enough to be incredibly uncomfortable during the sex scene between Hannah and Adam, and to be angry enough at Hannah's self-centered Millennial spoiled brattiness to want to see her get hit by a car. Then I found out that Lena Dunham is exactly the same (huge success, no talent, with book publishing

"How on Earth can you judge anything you didn't watch?" - The AV Club

Can someone dislike both? Asking for a friend.

See also: Lena Dunham.

Only saw the first ten minutes of the first episode and hated it so much I wanted to throw my TV out of the window. I know, I know, but it's honestly the most visceral reaction I've ever had to anything on television. Reading the description of the finale it seems like nothing about the show changed. How on Earth was

Yeah. Saw that opening weekend in the theater. Super excited. People were *in costume* for the thing (yay, SCA!). By the time the smash cut to "Meanwhile, on the planet Zeist" hit the screen we were all like "What. The. FUCK?!!"

The 90s really were a pop culture wasteland.

Holy shit, Life. I saw that in the theaters and it felt like a 12 hour movie. "Hey, lets make an Eddie Murphy movie except, you know, a drama, because that's what he's known for." Ugh.

"…it seems all you have to do to win political office against a more than competent, over-qualified female opponent is be some dumbass celebrity." Brother, you said a mouthful.

If Del Toro wants to take on the Darth Malgus story, I'm game.

What's frustrating is Del Toro starts a hundred different awesome projects (Mountains of Madness, anyone?) that he never finishes (or they get shot down by studio execs) but goes ahead and makes *Pacific Rim*? What?

Ah yes, 1989, when everyone used the Fisher Price 8mm camera for everything.

Bad book only plotted by Crichton (more so than most of his books) and finished by Richard "Hot Zone" Preston. Weak story, potential for lots of CGI and gore. Imagine the giant spider scene from Kong: Skull Island for 120 minutes.

You laugh but when Michael Bay directs a CGI/live action My Little Pony movie with explosions and machine guns that sucker will make a mint.

Wait, there's a bowling alley that sells Grey Goose? /grabs hat and coat