
Great, now I want an Orc Cop movie.

Ayer, Smith, Edgerton…so I'm guessing this was supposed to be a summer movie release but the early reviews sucked out loud so…Netflix?

So, Shadowrun: The Movie then?

I really liked Keane up until Perfect Symmetry. Although I like Perfect Symmetry, it pales in comparison to their earlier albums, especially Under the Iron Sea (which immediately proceeded it). The lost the plot with Night Train and overcorrected into terminal blandness with Strangeland.

It me.

Abandoning the Cure *after* Disintegration, on the other hand…

Milo, is that you?

Man, I can't wait for the Young Han Solo Chronicles on the Disney Channel.

Well, there's a whole trilogy of Han Solo books that took place before A New Hope to pull from, and those were well-received when they came out in the early 80s.

Where can I get the "official" X-Men movie timeline? I know Singer retconned his was out of The Last Stand when he wrote Days of Future Past, but then we got the Apocolypse movie (taking place in the 80s) and then…Logan? Something like 30 years in the future (from today)? So…did the first two X-Men films from 2000 and

Thank you for being the only other person who remembers Bros.

I literally discovered Bob's Burgers a week ago.

The last season I watched was Archer Vice, but it looks like I'm going to have to binge watch the Figgis season before season 8 starts.

Am I the only one who thinks SyFy is wrecking a fantastic book series to make a so-so tv show? It's SO far off the books (Ember is a Liberace man-sheep instead of, you know, an Aslan-esque actual ram? The Beast isn't scary? Renard is hanging around as the Beast's replacement as the Big Bad?)

As someone funnier than me said: "Milo Yiannopoulos looks like someone's Dad who just discovered My Chemical Romance."

So…hours and hours of fetch quests then?

It feels like they took one of the best trilogies in fantasy and turned it into bad Canadian tv. The editing was terrible, with jump cuts and places where it felt like the audience was dropped into the middle of a scene. Very confusing at times. They took everything cool about The Beast and made him a joke (he's

The original BSG was a huge part of my 70s sci-fi childhood (which included the obvious Star Wars but also Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century). Loved this show and was shocked during the re-boot to find out that the original only lasted a single season. It looms much larger in my memory.

Jesus, we are doomed as a civilization.

"Challenge, accepted." - Transformers