
Isn't Hot97 the pop music station in your town?

Everything about (the original) Hitcher was great…and better than 90% of what's been made ever since.


I wouldn't say I "missed" them…

For Negan to work the audience needs to see him as the end result of Rick continues the Ricktatorship; justification of harsher and harsher moves against "enemies" (ie killing everyone at Terminus, then the Wolves, then preemptively killing a bunch of Saviors without knowing anything about them). Of course these all

That's right! I'd forgotten about the pedo part. Ahh, 24, America's post-9/11 revenge porn.

I think it's in the first episode of Season 1 where CTU has a suspect in custody and Jack's asking him if he'll give up what they're asking. Bad guy says "no" and Jack SHOOTS HIM IN THE HEAD right there in the interrogation room. Then says something like "we don't have time to mess around - I'll impersonate this dude"

It's the 100th anniversary of WWI…also, 100% more Steampunk that WWII

I think Steve is there for straight women to ogle.

Don't worry. FX is making it up to you with next spring's Taboo.

Right? I mean, "Stephen Strange" is already a pretty English sounding name.

Alien Isolation was fantastic. I was hoping for a sequel but it doesn't look like that's happening.

I wonder if Scott filmed a three hour film and the studio balked (he went from Alien prequel to not prequel to sort-of both) so he chopped 60 pages of script out. But when you hire the guy who got…er…Lost writing Lost, I mean…

You had me at AvP………Two

That wasn't Scott's fault; Prometheus is what happens when you let Damon Lindelof write your script. Dude is an okay idea guy but a lousy screenwriter.

Of course - I know people like that as well - but by joining (for whatever reason) the ranks of people who don't eat meat you put yourself in a different category (along with the inevitable discussions around food) that most of society.


Nope. No way. I can't even feel up a chicken breast without wanting to dump it in the trash and wash my hands for an hour.

This. It's a big "man" issue. Quitting meat is a political act (even if you don't mean for it to be); you're going counter to the dominant culture and some people lose their shit over it. Mostly I spend less eating out than I used to, and I had to learn to cook. Neither of these are bad.

I'm one of those weirdos who isn't totally vegan but moving that way. Steak, at any level, is just gross (I have to have it well done to go near it, which I realize is a crime to you steak purists), and I can't stand handling raw meat at all.