
He also lives in a one room apartment above a bowling alley and below another bowing alley.

Is it just me or was this the worst (or if not worst most underwhelming) PPV in some time? Maybe I'm being too harsh but I didn't expect to end the night thinking that the Reigns/Strowman would be the high point.

If you sign up today. I get 10 free hours. Just tell them that sent you.

Correction: It looks like a nuclear bomb hit the neighborhoods. Downtown is actually quite nice. If you are from the suburbs and use downtown for entertainment purposes there is a lot to offer.

The South Side Serpents have everything I look for in a street gang. And everything I look for I mean alliteration.

I like how when UCF won they didn't even bother picking it up from the UConn sidelines and it was just left there on the bench until some intern had to go pick it up.

This is the film I never knew I needed until just this moment.

I believe I had the same shirt with the helmets on the back. The league didn't exist long enough for me to develop a favorite so I figured I'd get the shirt that covered all the teams. I also remember that black XFL football my brother got for Christmas being rough as hell on the hands.

So they were proactive?

As one of the four Vaudevillains fans in existence this would sadden me but it is understandable.

That's a good hill to die on.

I really enjoyed The Wedding Singer and will defend it.

So i'm guessing Simon Gotch must have continued to piss people off backstage for him to get the honor of being eliminated in 2 seconds?

Did you ever see a sandwich that could take a bite out of you?

Here's your taco sir…Oops… I dropped it in the fryer.

I like it. With a name like that there is no way it will fail.

"The pilot is a penguin!…and he's been drinking!"

I came here specifically to comment about the Asian gang. I see you've beaten me to it. Congrats….I'll see myself out.

A little from column A, A little from column B.

It's in Revelations, people!