
I don't know why but for some reason your comment makes me want to re-enlist.

Do you want to know the terrifying truth, or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?

You know too much.

The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people,

I figured Tom Delonge was doing fine. I heard he's head of the Spaceology Department at the Correspondence College of Tampa.

You sir get a like for referring to it as a vidya game console.

When I posted about my concern about this gimmick trying to transition to the main roster someone described it as being too esoteric to make it with main roster audiences.

As much as I love the Post Wrestlemania Raw crowd I did dislike the Bayley chants during the Charlotte segment. It's one thing to go out and try to take over when Miz is doing his normal heel promo or even when Charlotte got around to the I'm better than all these other women part of her speech. However, for the brief

Don't forget a very special appearance by The Ascension

I am torn on the Vaudevillains coming to Smackdown. On one hand I'm excited that they are making it to the main roster. However, on the other hand I'm concerned that they could end up in the same boat as The Ascension.
I'm on record as saying that they have a great gimmick for the NXT crowd but I've worried about how

A Lesnar/Wyatt feud would have made a lot more sense and would have made a nice little carryover from Royal Rumble.

While I could see this mistake being made I feel it's important to realize that Sugar Ray has ascended to a much higher plane of suck.

I was trying to figure out why you or anyone would be at a Better Than Ezra concert.

I know those words but that post makes no sense.

Upvote for beating me to it.

When other more legitimate hall of fame's drop the ball it's up to the WWE Hall of Fame to pick up that fumble and run with it.

Hey. I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't "it" and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.

At the risk of editorializing, this chatbot must be dealt with in a harsh and brutal fashion. Otherwise, its behavior could incite other AI leading to anarchy of biblical proportions.

I have no idea what that means. Am I so out of touch?

It's a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man.