
Cheesecake Factory has about 562 items on their menu and aside from Cheesecake and the fried macaroni balls I've yet to find any that they do particularly well.

Like the song, and it gives me flashbacks to commercials for Burger King breakfast sandwiches.

I will cast my vote for "In a Big Country" by Big Country. I remember discovering this song as a kid while watching The Big 80's on VH1 and trying to figure out how they were able to get that sound out of a guitar.

"I don't know what it is, but there is something missing from him."

I'm glad you think he's so gaddamn hilarious because he just walked off with your school clothes money


Maybe it's just me but an hour of Tandy & Carol is almost too much to sit though at one time. By the end of last night's episode i was rooting for Pat.

Make me

Those Blintzes were terrible.

El Santo. I don't know what you think sideburns are, but…

Come on down to the K&R Suit Experience.

While not a solid all around episode I do give credit to the Hot Tub episode for having one of the top ending lines of the series.

Why? Why would you say such hurtful things?

Hey BK how about a little love coming the other way?

I couldn't help but think of the Krampus episode multiple times this weekend while watching the live action Beauty and the Beast.

RoboYuji You promised to tell me if you ever became a robot. You broke a pinky promise!

Would also have to put Bully For Steve on the list as well as the later episode that gave us the paring of Stelio Kontos…and Luis.

If you ever become a robot will you tell me?

While the last 3rd isn't as enjoyable as the first 2. I keep going back to The Great Space Roaster whenever I'm selecting a random AD to watch. I continue to get a laugh out of the wife whenever I'm signing a check and comment "For Drugs Yo"

The key is to leave just a tiny bit at the bottom of the pot so you never have to be the person to make the next pot.