
I like their original programming, like The Path, Casual, Quickdraw, etc. Good interface, decent movies, and full series of shows like Fargo

The Cubs love is because a lot of the cast comes by way of Second City

I think it was a pedophile, obsessed with Jon Benet, who gained access to the house more than once through unlocked doors. This was a big house and easy to hide in. The killer had plenty of time to build up the nerve for their fantasy killing. It could have been someone they knew or someone who followed the pageants.

Um… the kids who saw it, loved this movie. It's very much a kids' movie.

What are you, a hypochondriac?

A real journey…

"Uhura (Zoe Saldana), the one who has the patience of a saint" Ugh. I hate that New Trek has made Uhura this mother figure for the crew. That was never her role and that was partly why I became such a big fan as a little girl. I hate Abrams so much.

I agree with you there. A librarian or historian would have been great.

Actually, with college debt out of control, people don't feel as great about getting degrees these days. Patty's self-taught debt-free route looks like a smart choice to me.

Jones' character is not socially inferior. She is well read and intelligent, as is pointed out in the dialogue, and has memorized a detailed history of New York. The group needed a historian to deal with the ghosts, and she brought it. She is an extremely important member of the team.

I haven't seen a lot of the movies mentioned in this discussion - but I thought she was great in American Ultra. I was forced to sit through Twilight (which was terrible), so seeing her in an action role, filling out a character was great. I definitely think she's someone to watch.

It's true. In thrillers or action movies from the 70's - early 80's, there's a lot of exposition and downtime (watching a character drive somewhere, seeing the calmness of their everyday lives). Audiences don't have the patience for that anymore. It's all action, all the time.

It's actually good - I saw it last night. Definitely worth it. It's not just me, the row of guys behind me (late teens / early twenties) behind me stayed until the very last line of credits, talking and laughing about it.

She's slightly terrifying in the books. There's no explanation, just that she's 'different'. Is she there to right wrongs or to put children in danger? Not sure. Loved the books when I was a kid, but they were a little scary.

It seems like a mix of Scientology, Children of God, The Church Universal… and another by a transcendentalist guru who I can't remember the name of… they're all multi-generational and new-agey.

Tactile and earthy isn't how I'd describe The Revenant. There was so much symbolism that it was almost dreamlike. I felt like Elaine Benes, because I wanted to yell at the movie "Stop standing in the icy cold river! It's winter in the 1800's - no central heating, no space heaters, no heated blankets. You're all going

I really like that he used plant chemical defenses as a horror movie trope. It was a little loose in the delivery, but a great idea. And, it's a fun movie.

I always wondered how they could afford that school.

Sam Jackson feeling an impending panic attack was the best male performance.

I wouldn't show Cosby any support by seeing current projects or appearances. He belongs in jail and should be forced to pay in civil suits.