
For me, it's comedians like Bill Cosby and Woody Allen. Terrible people whose work made me happy. (shrug)

Phil 2 told her in season 1 that she's his type because she's old-fashioned - cooking, crafting and gardening. Phil 2 is really an old-fashioned guy with his woodworking and handyman skills. Plus, Tandy's probably shooting blanks and Carol really wants a baby.

The mixed metaphor in the trailer… it hurts. Will she be saying "halfway across the sea" more than once in the film? Will she gain a fortune in a whirlwind? Will it be a windfall romance? I have to know how bad it's going to be before I risk seeing it.

Bind Torture Kill. He made the name up himself for media attention. Though the Burger King Killer would be interesting. Maybe some enterprising serial killer should get on that.

I read something similar about the daughter of the BTK killer. He was a good father, apparently, and she struggles with feelings of affection and betrayal. As you said, she's on this unending emotional journey - she can never reconcile her thoughts about him.

"…but I liked Juliette, and wouldn't mind at all if she came back. She was
used very poorly throughout most of her run on the show…"

It was insanely repetitive and the actors were speaking their lines as fast as possible just to get all the exposition in.

"How can one genre be any more objective or subjective than another?"

I'm sure there are movies that terrified me that would have made you laugh. I don't know… there was just something about this movie that was just. so…. big top circus-y? Cool to see but I never felt afraid.

I loved those Mad Magazine parodies. The artwork, oh man, the way they perfectly captured the actors and plot and made them look ridiculous was so stunning. No film viewing was complete until you could top it off with the MM version.

I read it after seeing the miniseries. It makes you forget the TV version. The written characters come across as different people, I guess because they have back stories and motivations.

Yeah, somewhere in between both works is the answer. Plus Ryan V had a point about the mini-series visuals. TV shows like Supernatural and Grimm can accomplish creepier effects today on series budgets, and the director made some poor choices.

"Kubrick's The Shining is the first "Horror Film" with No Horror In It"

Thanks for mentioning Mr. Hobbs. I love that goofy little movie.

Seriously. Went to an FBI talk about serial killers and apparently they're drawn to the cross country trucking profession… for reasons.

"And the tradition of colorblind casting again threw me for a loop when
they cast a black Laertes but not a black Ophelia or Polonius, making it
stand out even further"

I like that theory. I imagine Tom Hanks performing some unholy ritual over his son's cradle to turn Chet into a Dibbuk box of Tom's rage so Tom could forever be known as Mr. Nice Guy.

Exactly! I hate that Henry Gross Shannon song from the 70's but it's always popping into my head in the shower. "Shannon is gone I heard she's drifting out to sea-a-e-a-eeeeee" in that high falsetto. I find myself singing it at least once a week and it's just so depressing and terrible.

Yelp is even worse. They blackmail stores and restaurants into paying a fee. If they don't, all the good reviews disappear into the "unreliable" section off the main page.

I've only read the books, but yeah, it is often brought up that society's beauty standards are changing. So, it depends on who's making the comment, I guess? I've been meaning to watch the series, but I want it to be free on Netflix or Amazon Prime.