Marcel de Jour

Aw. I like Felicity, too. Best part of Arrow. (But I hope she gets to go back to being a badass next season.)

Eh. It would have made just as much sense coming from Barry as it did from Caitlin. He's super into particle physics (and physicists), if you'll recall. He nerded out over meeting Dr. Stein on the train, read Wells' books. He explained the accelerator to Iris way at the beginning of the show. He'd know what a

It's called *style*

Emotional time moves slower than real time. Like basketball time.

We are on the same wavelength with that one. It was kind of ridiculous. Joe could have asked, too; that sounds like a Joe question.

The secret to stable time travel is the one constant in all the multiverse: don't tell Iris!

I had that same thought for a moment, but that decision would have the same consequences as saving his mother would have had. Barry realized that he didn't want to change anything about his future, and saving his dad would have also irreparably altered the timeline, changing many of the things that Barry wanted to

"That was a stroke! If you can even call it that, ya big baby"

Anyone else feel that Bob sinking back into the hedge was a reference to the Simpsons? Or just a happy coincidence?

Gunther laid the egg that hatched into that floaty cat-thing, so I'm guessing, yes: cosmic creature of some sort.

I kind of hope that's the case. I'd take no explanation over a contrived explanation.

Explains. A. Lot.

Even if this episode was supposed to take place before the "poisoning" of Oliver's friends, it still doesn't make sense. I'm willing to suspend any linear limitations of episode air dates to make things work on these shows, but I can't believe that when Oliver can't go for a walk around the premises of what his

But if Eobard is actually Eddie, and all we know so far of what Eobard lost is Iris, then by deliberately sticking a wedge between Eddie (who would be himself) and Iris, Eobard is actually working against his own interests and instead of actually getting back what he lost, he is ensuring that he will lose it, which is

Now you've reminded me of just how sad I am we didn't get Agent Warcry through the whole of the season.

It's been one of my favorite, more subtle points of character development. This week he was even completing someone else's sentences! (Hunter, if I remember correctly?) I thought it was a nice nod to his recovery. And bookended with his stuttering delivery of his prom-posal or whatever that was. (Which was so cute.)

We all still have Mack.

That was all in the 1940s, way before Star Wars. They wouldn't have known to do it.

Don't forget the "We can rule the galaxy" speech!

Besides that, however, this was the best day ever. We got an excellent pair of episodes, and, though it came as a shock when I found myself both cackling and quaking throughout, in the end, I couldn't be more pleased with them. Clunky exposition is still this show's real monster and certainly not to be forgotten, but