Cal Drogo looked just like Bruce Campbell and it kind of ruined the whole sequence for me.
Cal Drogo looked just like Bruce Campbell and it kind of ruined the whole sequence for me.
In the comics, Maseo's soul is trapped in Katana's sword and speaks to her from time to time, so there's definitely a possibility he'll come back in some form. But bodily death? Yeah, that's probably permanent.
Took us three years, but it sounds like we're finally getting a Speedy on this show ("Red is more your color"). And, hey, a fully-suited Katana? That was awesome. Let's see if Maseo actually possesses the sword now… Also, with both of those reveals, I'm hoping Katana sticks around and maybe lay some groundwork for…
I think that's the biggest irony of all: the only money they've made - presumably the money they have been spending all this time,on things like fixing Mrs. Cardenas's apartment and buying office equipment - came from the large check Wesley gave them all the way back in episode 3 or 4 or something. They don't need to…
Best line in the episode: "I've been shirt!"
And with a binge model like Netflix's, if you did want to enjoy the show over a period of time - as I initially planned to - you'd have to basically avoid the rest of the Internet for weeks. (That Daredevil was so compelling - and I actually loved the slower episodes more than the big set pieces - caused me to consume…
I like how slowly they are introducing the fantastical elements of The Flash into Arrow's world, and Ray is the perfect vehicle for beginning that shift into a wider DCCWCU.
Bay Area boy here, and we've got the same problem throughout the region, where our Fisks are Google ("Don't be evil") and Facebook ("Oh yeah, we're evil"). It's such a universal issue, and one that has plagued this country for decades. It's a good angle for this show.
And, I should note, it may not be the only place the wrist bomb thing happens. Maybe, maybe not. I'm sure someone here will scoff and correct me. And please do! I could use some guidance if I ever decide to read the books.
I do *not* read a ton of comics. I've read a few. Very little Flash, though. But I was so psyched that I finally caught a reference tonight! The whole bomb-to-the-wrist thing. I'm positive that came out of a Justice League comic. Prometheus, I believe, was the villain in that arc. Good stuff! And now I'm done sharing.
Also enjoyed that scene. Well acted by all three men. But extra props to Eddie in the later scene with Iris. He looked sooo uncomfortable. Rick Cosnett does a good job of conveying Eddie's littlest emotional ticks. Also good for Eddie standing up for Iris's right to know what the hell is going on!
Quite possible, though it *was* invented by Joss Whedon, so maybe he/Marvel still has control? Either way, I anticipate some alternative to SWORD coming out of this whole two-SHIELDs plot. After all, E.J.O. seemed awfully hung-up on the "alien tech gathering" aspect of Coulson's team.
Anyone else think Coulson's branch of SHIELD might spin off into SWORD? Just a quick thought…
I don't believe he's going to be in Heroes Reborn. As far as I've read the only person to join the mini-series from Heroes Classic is Jack Coleman. That probably still doesn't mean we'll get as much Pasdar as we deserve.
Agreed!! De Caestecker quietly steals every scene he's in.
Agent N.D. Niall Boutskye
Loved that they gave us Talbot's view during Ward & 33's break-in. It gave us a few great moments of some much-needed humor and fun (in an otherwise emotionally heavy-handed show) and made that whole sequence seem so much more alive than the usually bland mission-of-the-week.
OP explicitly said it was because she was bisexual.
This is such a blatantly homophobic comment. Because she sleeps with women doesn't mean she's a pedophile.