Marcel de Jour

Let's hope the day when your theory is put to the test never comes.

Ehhhh…. Again, I don't disagree with the basic premise that, in a world of super-powered teenagers, I wouldn't consider the possibility of… measures, but I must point out again that we mustn't forget that there is a message being delivered along with that laser blast.

Man, the reactionaries usually are rightwing nuts!

Thank you.

Agreed, and I hope you will be satisfied. Based on the show's trailers (hopefully this isn't SPOILERS!), I'm guessing that will play out as a real thematic element this season. Turk's comments about being back out in a month + Punisher's speech in the trailer about how DD doesn't "go far enough" seems to add up to a

You should definitely give Jessica Jones a few episodes if you're skeptical; I think you'll be swayed. For my money, it stands up to and even bests Daredevil season 1 as the most intelligent and compelling product the MCU has produced.

Was happy to see the early scene with Foggy and Matt walking to work, talking about regular things. It reminded me of the best flashback law school scenes of Season 1, where we got so much insight into the characters' relationships outside of superheroics. I hope the rest of this season doesn't coast on those

Jabari, I think I look forward to your reviews just as much - if not more - than Alasdair's; you really know how to watch a superhero show. I was also psyched when I found out what Curtis's gift was (and how great is his screensaver?!)

Implicit message: throw off the chains of patriarchy, and you, too, could be as ass-kickingly free and happy as Peggy Carter; give into that Hollywood noise, and you, like Agnes, could be consumed from the inside by a sinister void intent on destroying the fabric of spacetime itself while cracking open your skull and

I don't know. For a second there, I was into it. "How will they EVER find this guy!?" I says. "I look forward to seeing how the team - by brawn and by brain - figure out this conundrum," I says. Needless to say, I was shocked by what happened next.

Duh! Zoom *is* Harrison Wells. He's not going to *not* trust himself to *not* poison him.

Felicty IS great, tho.

This is an excellent point. I was under the impression she had been hunted by something, but this episode suggests that whatever the "Evil" thing is, it only appeared a handful of times and the only real threats were A) quickly-dispatched kelp monsters and B) sandstorms, nothing that would require sleeping with a

"Listen, officer, if you're going to be on *my* task force, you better learn a thing or two about dramatic irony, got it?"

In the episode of Arrow featuring him, the Clock King also has MacGregor's, so there's… precedence? Probably a coincidence, but you never know…

Polishing his helmet? In public? He's the Flash, not the Flasher.

He did mention lard races! Missed that bit. I love how lards aren't just on Ooo, but throughout the AT universe. Like, the ultimate pest, the one thing tying this galaxy together. We've already seen them as instrumental plot elements in past episodes. I wonder what role they will play in the future.

Jump bawl

The implications!

Sorry, but I can't help it…