
Someone needs to pull down and post the clip of Trump shoving the Montenegro PM, then buttoning his jacket while sticking out his chin like Mussolini. It tells us everything we need to know about Trump as a human being.

Richard is low-key the best character on television.

I bet it’s Jared Kushner. Because that dude’s in everything.

It’s been clear for a while, but most GOP politicians have opted for party over country. Sad.

Lindsey Graham’s subtle, yet visible annoyance at the end of Cruz’s questioning almost made up for having to listen to Cruz in the first place.

When my son was born we very quickly figured out we had to stop watching Breaking Bad and Walking Dead and just ended up re watching Parks and Rec on a continuous loop for like 3 years.

If only Kendall had offered a Pepsi to Assad instead.

Right? Real activists are getting pepper sprayed, hit with night sticks, tasered, and hauled off to jail. And Pepsi tried to make a cheap buck off “tapping into the energy of the movement” in the most tone-deaf way possible. But you are the real victim here, Kendall. Go to Paris and try to recover, you poor thing.

Can you imagine the kind of pain that not even jetting off to Paris at a moments notice can solve???

This show is just the best. And Selina as no longer VEEP or POTUS has to be the most unhinged Selina yet. I cannot wait.

Lover of liberty and tallest Keebler elf Rand Paul

Shout-out to Peter Alexander for calling out baby hands claim about winning the biggest electoral college since Reagan.

Deadpsin’s tears are so delicious right now

Can we all remember the play that left Gawker Media in the dust?


Yeah, the dude throws for 400+ yards and leads a comeback from 25 down, and this is what you post.

Both these guys can go fuck themselves. I’m so tired of Bernie Sanders remaining at the forefront and everybody making believe he played no role in getting us to where we are today.

Other than calling your officials and donating to the ACLU, what can we do? Anyone have any ideas?

...but it works fine in the Fox Echo Chamber.

And this is why Rudy Nosferatu Giuliani is a failed politician and probably couldn’t even be elected dog catcher. Thanks for your irrelevant opinion, Nosferatu.