
FUCK THIS GUY. I’m intoxicated and pissed off, though not entirely coherent. So, FUCK THIS GUY, the fucking fuck.


What cabinet position do you think Trump will offer the Chrissy Teigen’s paparazzo?

i thought hypnosis was fake, isnt this awful. everyone who took part in bringing him down, good job

Seriously, I’ve (relatively) long resigned myself to losing human rights under a Pence presidency just to stave off the nightmarish hellscape I see in a Trump actualized scenario.

It’s too bad that, even with Aaron’s fame, they couldn’t continue to have the same kind of tight father/son relationship that Michael and Joe Jackson had.

Dumb bs? trump being blackmailed by the russians to be their puppet is dumb? Get out of here with that crap.

if it’s true that russia has been cultivating donald for five years, i see that as noteworthy and i’d like that to be further investigated. agree to disagree, i guess.

Russia has been cultivating Trump for at least five years

i wish when i lied that i was able to believe myself as well as drumpf does when he lies.

Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.

I hope Billie Lourde has some really great people in her life. She needs them right now. I don’t know what else to say, this just sucks.

You mean the year Obama steps down and Trump officially becomes president of the US?

I think I’m with you. I think Trump’s election should be the snark calibration we all needed.

Is this level of vitriol towards Sex and the City chick really warranted? I dunno, I just heard a mom talking about her kid...

I’m starting to get sick of the nice guy Obama bs. He wasted most of his first year trying to kumbaya with the right and now he’s being nice again. Just stop! No one who hates you is changing their minds. You know this IS the apocalypse. He needs to be trying to fuck this guy up during the next 2 months. Get a special

Democrats play by the rules, it’s our biggest weakness.

Leave us alone. We’re too busy self-harming ourselves to see what we’re doing to the world.

Ok, now that I’ve seen this I cannot unsee it, sorry, not sorry. Also whoever was the genius to replace Donald Trump’s eyes with his mouth is who I blame for my haunting nightmares.