Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!
Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!
I’m so impressed at how great and put together she looks. How do you suffer such a massive and public disappointment and be okay? I would be wrapped in a blanket guzzling wine like Tami Taylor watching Gilmore Girls for like a month.
And I’ll just cry one more time.
also, if you have time, don’t be a woman or gay or, god forbid, both.
Ms. DeMaio suggested that perhaps the two men were just “friends” or “great companions.”
Good lord.
Of course he’s going to sue them. That’s what he does to anyone who speaks up about his behavior. Contractor makes inquiry about late payment? Don’t pay them! Just threaten a lawsuit. Shuts them right up.
I don’t know any women who haven’t experienced some form of sexual assault or harassment. I’m so in awe of the bravery of those who have come forward and I hope that it empowers other women to do the same or at least to realize that they are not alone.
Exactly. If they just wanted to speak out against the Clintons, that’s their right. But going all the way over and appearing with Trump suggests to me that they’re not too bright, not too rational, or had political motives in coming forward to start with. There’s no way you can honestly say Trump is a better choice if…
Yeah, I get saying “fuck the clintons” and I get being angry about Hillary being cast as a defender of women, and I would get speaking out against her on behalf of Bernie or even the other republican candidates. But I do not understand going to bat for and opening your wounds again on behalf of Trump.
I’m trying to think of a lower moment and I’m coming up blank. I am so enraged right now I really hope I don’t have an actual stroke.
Without a doubt, the lowest. And there was a lot of shit to dig under.
I feel like the fact these women are willing to appear with Trump at a time when it’s perfectly clear what a vile shitpile of a human being he is speaks volumes about their character and motivations. I can understand why they’d hate the Clintons if their stories have as much as a grain of truth to them, and I blame…
I am so fucking embarrassed. This election has turned into a fucking sideshow. We are voting to elect the leader of the free world. What in the fuck happened to us? This is the lowest point in American political history.
Well, that clinches it. I won’t be voting for Bill Clinton in the 2016 election.
I dunno. If I just got robbed by Brazilian people in police uniforms, I wouldn’t call the police either.
Looks like the Yankees decided to put A-Rod out to pasture. That idiom works for centaurs, as well as horses, right?
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a…
This dude seems like he is trying way too hard. Like these guys who tell you how they are down with the cause, then later everyone finds out he is a serial groper or worse. (see Hugo Schwzyer or Jian Ghomeshi)