
Because apparently you dont know the meaning of the word “racism”. It means one believes their race is superior to the other. Demonstrating a point to a bunch of kids who dont know anything about anything isn’t racist. If she had said “OOOHH YEA THIS WAS THE GOOD OLD DAYS” then maybe...

But of course, this is The Root,

Even if she did, it’s not racist.

Few things.

Gawker is a liberal network of blogs, so of course they’re going to lean left.

People think voting matters?

So it’s his word against hers, and even though there are holes all in her story, you agree with her ?  

Lets see. She can’t rememer anything else at all about the party, her own witness says she’s wrong, she waited 35 years and instead of ever going to the police, she went to a politician, and waited until he was about to take a permanent job that would swing the Supreme Court away from her party for the foreseeable

Thank the media for that, who spend more one trying to get clicks than to die their research. 

A lack of due process hurts everyone. Sorry, black people, you don’t get to take this one.

If anyone cant see that this is political, then they’re a fucking dumbass.

Her memory isnt that clear, since she cant remember any other detail, and her own witness says she’s wrong...

“We know Blasey Ford is credible.”

If you spend 80k in a car that your stupid kids are going to be in, you’re an idiot. 

She also has one of her own witnesses who said it didn’t happen.

It’s still mined, no matter what. 

They have to be using the same encryption. 

Yea, sure they don’t mine it. Is it not on your server?  It’s mined. Does it go through any other server before it makes it to you?  It’s mined. 

Nobody is going to switch. All of these services keep akenacam your data and will gladly hand it over if requested by the government Don’t be stupid.

Commit adult crimes, get adult punishment. How about just being a good person? It’s not that hard.

What’s racist about wanting someone who is a murderer like Jaquin to go to real jail for a real crime?  It’s racist that you don’t, because he’s black.