
Again, welcome to The Root. It’s baaically a black person is always right and a victim somehow, and bunch of commenters who agree with each other about it.

..unless you’re a murderer. 

Welcome to The Root. 

Non-retina laptops have blurry fonts that can’t be fixed since they removed the sub pixel aliasing. It’s just had enough to make your eyes strain. 

He wasn’t a victim.   He agreed to the terms.

End of the day, your problems are your problems.

You left out a few things.

Nobody needs to ask the fake waitress.  I pay you to deliver my food.  Not deliver and have me meet you anywhere.  That’s your job, do your job.

Man, black people must be losing their shit, admitting a black person is guilty. 

I know right?  Here on the root, you have to be black to have a post, not gray. 

If you consider yourself a journalist instead of a blogger, aren’t you supposed to listen to evidence?  For fucks sake, her own witness says it didn’t happen...

If you don’t have a retina laptop, don’t install. They removed some sub pixel aliasing and the fonts are blurry with no fix. 

...if she’s going to make accusations and potentially ruin someone, she should  testify. When her own witnesses are saying it didn’t happen like she says, makes you think 

Are you kidding? Her own witnesses say that they don’t remember them happening Ike she’s claiming.


Because there’s more important things out there. 

Damn. I can’t believe the root actually agrees with his sentence and isn’t crying racism. 

Are you getting a text on your landline?

Would you have written this blog if Obama or Hillary were in office?  Or is this the typical Gawker perspective? 

Funny how a site that is pro-black no matter what and never publishes a story on something good a white person did or something bad a black person did is preaching about ‘diversity’.