The same reason I don’t google “gmail” every time I want to check my email, but congrats on your minimalist phone lifestyle.
The same reason I don’t google “gmail” every time I want to check my email, but congrats on your minimalist phone lifestyle.
The Raimi movies were bad then and they’re AWFUL now. By the end of the trilogy, the character was a joke. Tobey is by far the worst Peter, the movies never got his sense of humor right (in part because Tobey is about as charismatic and interesting as a half glass of milk that’s been sitting on the counter all day),…
There is an episode of “Explained” on Netflix on the gender wage gap that was one of the most even-handed treatments of the issue I have ever seen. It even featured a woman who acknowledged (without apparent prompting) that much of the gap is due to women voluntarily choosing to focus on their families instead of…
The dude makes multiple references to “radical leftists”, says abortions are evil, that liberals hate free speech
As an actual warrior who owns a keyboard: thank me for my service, byatch.
Mailed bombs don’t kill people. People who open mailed bombs have a death wish and willfully desire to be killed or injured to gain fame and notoriety.
This is a great example of why people hate liberals.
Thanks for the advice.
The lifehacks are in the comments I guess! People will actually learn more from your comment here than any of the B.S. thats thrown up every hour by the mindless writers here. Thanks!
Lol, you guys keep posting this shit up and you are going to get another 4 years of that which you hate the most.
Okay, why the fuck am I still in the grays here. God, kinja sucks.
I know what wouldn’t help: one of those fucking medical droids whose only response to a crushed trachea is to shrug and say “She’s given up the will to live.”
You conveniently and typically failed to include the facts that Jaquin Thomas was in jail for second-degree murder and aggravated robbery, and that the reason he was in the adult jail in the first place was because he had already ESCAPED from the juvenile facility, and was also facing charges for multiple armed…
What about taking a break from the news cycle that’s constantly geared up to get us agitated about whatever the topic of the day is and just getting to know people - even those who have (gasp) different opinions? I see so many people who post things like “all Hillary/Trump supporters are ...”, but ignore the fact that…
The answer is “lightsaber” and anyone saying otherwise is lying or dumb.
I think the best Star Wars tech would be teleporters, you know, just like Kirk and Picard used to get places.
Because disagreeing and rightfully hating a political figure doesn’t mean you get to take a child’s property and throw a drink in their face.
Natalie. Portman.
and pepper potts had powers