Thanks, I needed a laugh at you pretending to be a journalist
Thanks, I needed a laugh at you pretending to be a journalist
All of these celebrity “victims” kept quiet because they needed money. If they really cared they would have spoken up and possibly saved others.
If he were white this article would be all about bashing him and some other racist comments.
“Mad respect to those prisoners”
Lets just look at whats wrong with that sentence.
Man, prisoners having to suffer? What has the world come to.
Good. Names like D’Sean and LaSean and Jontavius are fucking stupid, and have no historical semblance, other than just a ghettofied culture.
Please. Black people are more likely, even if underqualified, to meet a quota and so a company follows a “diversified” plan.
The fact that black people “rejoiced” is the problem. People should care that the right person got the job, not that it’s their own race.
Yea, because Russia, right?
Yea, he didn’t donornfornthe fact that he doesn’t get a list of people to review all day and someone drew attention to it
Can you ever Ben positive about something a white person did? You must have a sad miserable life
Why is that’s he first thing you thought?
You do know that black turnout is historaicaly low, and only peaked when Obama ran, right?That in and of itself is racist, the fact that you would vote for a (half) black man only based on race, who hasn’t improved your life whatsoever
Yea, losers bitch about the electoral college. But of the election and flipped, you wouldn’t give a shit.
Has anyone compared merit instead of race?
Two points
Yea sure, then be prepared for higher food costs. Lets also give fast-food workers $20 hr while we’re at it.
I get my own food, my own drink, and usually put my dishes away. No tip.
What do you tell the little sissy kids that think they’re a boy one day, and a gir the next, and the parents are too soft to show them that opinions and feelings dont change facts?
God blessed America when Obama was out and Hillary wasn’t elected