On the flip side, black men and women are more likely to get a bump ahead of the line at things like college applications, job consideration, etc..
On the flip side, black men and women are more likely to get a bump ahead of the line at things like college applications, job consideration, etc..
Why is it a stupid religious argument? He believes it from the Bible and lives his life according to that. Black Jesus and Arabic Jesus don’t have different ones do they?
Oh look, racist Michael is mad because the ruling went in favor of the white guy. He wouldn’t care what the case was about as long as whitey lost.
Why is it that black people want to be treated equally (as they should), but they do everything they can to call attention to every difference and want special treatment?
If the guy hit was white you wouldn’t care. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Let’s be honest. If you’re on section 8 housing, go down the hall and get your weed. Don’t take another government handout.
Riveting. Written like a 14yr old keyboard warrior. You should actually respond to people in comments and have a dialogue
Hopefully it actually has real combat and assasinations, instead of that button-smashing garbage from Origins
Obama is as much white as he is black, dumbass.
Oh fuck off. Black people can get their way by claiming racism, and have special laws in place that give them a leg up to meet a quota, regardless of skill.
Probably tired of people like you claiming racism at any time.
Few things:
Love that hate you’re spewing...
Can black people go a day without thinking the white devil is it to get them?
Jesus, can black people quit bitching for one day?
So change the rules because somebody made the personal decision to have a kid...?
And yet, you live here and receive all the benefits of what you claim to be against...🤔
Side note, where’s the article about Morgan Freeman finger banging girls? Aww, someone black did something wrong and it’s not on the root? Shocker, a racist blog doesn’t report when their own race does something shitty.
Because blacks people except 0 blame for anything, and it’s always the white devil out to get them.
Funny, lack people only voted for him because he’s (half) black, and their lives didn’t improve one bit.