The Jacquio

I think he'll be OK as long as he doesn't accidentally go to lunch with a female colleague.

I once pitched an idea for an MCU-style interconnected film series consisting of the various story strands from Infinite Jest. I still think it could work.

My favorite underrated JR call: in one of the ladder matches involving the Dudleys and the Hardyz, Bubba Ray and D-Von are setting up the "WASSUUUUUUP" move on Jeff (which delivers a diving headbutt to the groin) and Ross just nonchalantly says "This will adversely affect your sex drive!" I like to use that line

"You might got more cash than me,
But you ain't got the skills to eat a n——'s ass like me."

Ahmed's permanent wedgie is legend-status among uncomfortable-looking ring gear.

The fact that we continue to get invested in Bray's feuds despite his booking being so hopeless time and time again proves that WWE is right when they assume they can continue working us by making him their whipping boy only to build him back up again.

I want Sami, Cesaro and Sasha on Smackdown yesterday

Whoever teaches Louie's kids at whatever upscale, private NYC school they go to oughta bring him in for Parent-Teacher Conference and have his kids explain to him why his joke is insensitive and wrongheaded.

Yeah, look at all the great, great comedy that's come out since Trump's election… like…. comedians, man. They're so much funnier than they used to be, it's totally worth it

The AV Club is nowhere to be found. Seems legit.

I think your last part was what I meant. And this probably goes for all of his work now — I keep reading the darkest possible meanings into everything he wrote. The fact that realizing this stuff and understanding that there are ways to cope with it might not be enough is a horrible thought. But we can't really ever

I love Jen Kirkman and I liked Ali Wong's last special a lot. I don't listen to comedians as much as I used to.

In light of what he eventually did, it's difficult for me to return to "This Is Water" without noticing how utterly bleak and discouraging it ultimately is.

I have a 5 and a 7-year-old, I'm not divorced though. Let's just say I found his material about his kids a lot funnier before I had them than after I had them.

Seeing Emma and Dana Brooke not being besties just looks wrong.

10 years ago, I thought this guy was the funniest motherfucking person on the planet. I haven't really enjoyed one of his new specials since Hilarious, though. There's something about his humor style that doesn't connect with me anymore, plus a whole lot of great voices have risen to prominence in that time and there

Cena fucked jailbait Stephanie?

"…And then Bray spiderwalks up to Ben and hits him with Sister Abigail."


She had really great vocal/songwriting chemistry with Jessica Harp, I wished it would've worked out.