The Jacquio

I loved the first Michelle Branch album, and I always hoped she'd have a better career — it's basically impossible to imagine Taylor Swift happening without her. She was putting out new songs like six years ago, I figured she was gone ever since. It's good to see her back, I hope this marks some kind of reinvention

Surely no band in the last 20 years has been weirder or more adventurous than Kayo Dot, in terms of structural exploration, genre-bending diversification, sonic inventiveness and constant reinvention. I mean, no one comes close. They can't even be said to have a "sound" or be described as a "rock" band, and I know

IC title match gonna be lit, especially if they make it a gimmick match. Dean and Corbin are just two guys who complement each other in looks, characters and in-ring style.

Her work in The Legend Of Korra was outstanding, even though the character herself turned out a bit underwritten.

Talking Smack highlights

Pretty sure heels don't cry like a bitch when somebody burns their world down.

Watching a cute, tiny thing flipping around and murdering the fuck out of people is…. oddly satisfying.

I was saying "Looo-urns."

Don't forget the "WHAT" chants from 100,000 fans as Nikki keeps pausing and struggles to remember her lines.

Talking Smack highlights

Let's all start a campaign to buy a shitload of "Never Give Up" armbands and mail them to their offices

Exercise thread

The thing I don't get about Ziggler is that his style is absolutely *made* for tag team wrestling. You need a guy who can believably take all the punishment and sell everything like death so when he finally makes the hot tag, the crowd pop is explosive. Yet he's been a singles wrestler for almost all of his career.

I sincerely hope that "Wild Card Finals" was such a great success for them that they start bringing it back every year, while still never quite defining what it actually means.

This is why, in the earlier days of the brand split, people were advocating "brand-exclusive" divisions like the tag teams on Raw, the women's division on Smackdown, etc. But I guess the Cruiserweight thing precluded that possibility.

The Hype Bros just like to have fun, Maggle!

Loved the End Of Days counter with Dean simply smacking Corbin in the face, his fighting style fits his character perfectly. I can see Dean going for a Dirty Deeds too early, only for Corbin to pick him up and toss him halfway across the ring.

The true passion and writing talent of Kyle, Alasdair, and LaToya have shined through during this eminently interesting time in wrestling. Like even when the reviews are negative, you can tell they're coming from a place that WANTS the show to be good, and is ultimately pulling for that, knowing that the nature of the

Talking Smack highlights

Snek is now Wormtongue.