The Jacquio

Well, at least there's still The Story Of Wrestling podcast to look forward to.

Uproxx is shit on fire.

Bizarro world Roman


It's a swerve, next week Melina comes back instead.

Scott Steiner: GENETIC FREAK

Oh good, for ALMOST half a second there I thought for sure this would be the one movie that would avoid the "godawful 'hauntingly'-sung half-speed cover song" trend in movie previews. Thank goodness, we nearly had ONE exception that proves the rule.

Exercise thread

Corbin just isn't quick enough to keep up with the A-Lister; almost no one, past or present, could. He'll fare much better by himself, being the Lone Wolf and all.

Talking Smack highlights

Are they going to show the part where Jay-Z shows him his first tec, on tour with Large Professor, then he hears his album about his "tec on the dresser"?

I'd love to see Randy's inevitable betrayal get interrupted by a returning Eric Rowan, only for his ass to get RKOed out of the building.

As soon as my six-year old son found out about the List, he immediately started working on a list of his own of all the people who annoy him. He did the same thing with Breezeango as the Fashion Police writing tickets to everybody.

We all got worked so hard by Reigns at #30. WWE played us like the proverbial drum.

Nakamura went to Raw?

Make everybody look like shit except Goldberg

I wanted Corbin to go on to dominate like he did in the Styles-Ziggler triple threat, but other than a dropkick-into-Deep Six on the Miz (which was awesome), he didn't really do anything the rest of the match.

What is he doing, practicing doing a "YES" chant in the delivery room when Brie gives birth to a healthy baby?

They also changed "I Wanna Be Your Dog" to "I'm Gonna Be Your God", which is inexcusably fucking stupid.

You can always take one step towards it. Even if you don't do anything physically, you can start by telling yourself you will. Even if you don't believe it, you can still tell it to yourself. Everyone must start somewhere, and every goal starts with the absolute smallest step.