The Jacquio

Take the smugness. It may be just what you need.

Exercise thread

Renee can play off of absolutely anybody in the world on-camera, but the role I enjoy her in most is the "straight woman" she plays when Daniel co-hosts and he's goofing around, ripping on her and shitting on the heels. Not everyone can take a role like that and make it much more than thankless. I think Dean would

Talking Smack highlights

The thing about Dean's moveset is that his more questionable offense needs to be sold properly. The Lunatic Lariat looks awesome when he hits it on AJ, because AJ understands that the setup for the move involves more than just standing around waiting. And then he actually makes it look impactful when it does hit.

I forgot about Brock. There was speculation he would be in WM's main event too.

Last year, everybody knew damn well the only people who had any chance of winning were (in descending order) Roman, HHH, or Ambrose. Part of that was due to the severely injury-depleted roster, but also the fact that the title was on the line for last year's Rumble kind of ruined everything, not least of all Roman's

Goodnight And Good Luck holds up excellently.

Bring back the Gen13 show while we're at it!

….Which is completely established during the scene where the drummer threatens the booker and shoves him up against the wall. Someone says "Easy there, MMA" or something like that. Was that another part you missed?

My favorite stealth joke in this movie is how the venue changes the band's name from "The Ain't Rights" to the "Aren't Rights" on the marquee.

Jen Kirkman is God, FUCK THE HATERS

She's the only comedian whose podcast I still listen to, after all these years. I could listen to her rasp, wheeze and vocal fry in my ears all day long.

Fire is awesome.

Talking Smack highlights

I often feel like Tarsem's The Fall is the movie M. Night THOUGHT he was making when he did Lady In The Water.

The "B" is for "Brock"

Exercise thread

Daniel Bryan is WAY better suited to that co-host role than Shane. I continue to hold out hope that someday they put Mauro on there, and then have Corbin come on and just berate him the entire time.

Talking Smack highlights