The Jacquio

Ruth is fantastic, it's impossible to imagine anyone other than Alison Brie making this role work as well as it does.


Am I the only one who could easily see the final season of this show being even slower than this one was? I loved it, by the way. Perhaps my 2nd or 3rd favorite season so far.

Bill is the best character and this show started to get actually really good in season one when it began focusing on him rather than on the parents or the older brother. I'm hoping this season leans a bit harder on the "coming of age" thing, where its poignancy and nightmarishness in the everyday can work a little

I know Claire peed in the ladies' room once, while some guy waited outside the stall for her. Also, didn't Francis pee on his dad's grave once? That's this show, right?

I have faithfully watched all 4 seasons of this show, and I couldn't tell you more than 2 things that happen in it. I think there's a part where the sober-alcoholic dude hires a hooker to squirt liquor into his mouth out of a syringe? I remembered that. Not plot-important details, just weird little inexplicable non

Remember a last season when Paige tried to be like all "Oh btw, I'm gonna stop hanging out at the church so much, Pastor Tim doesn't care, NBD"

"Man, if Pascha survives bleeding out, I've really gotta teach that guy how to fight."

Nadezhda grew up dirt poor in the Soviet Union, she's probably eaten out of garbage cans before and it's no big deal to her.

Of all the characters, he seems like the one guy whose top priority is to always do the right thing, whatever that is in a given situation, whether it personally benefits him or not. It's a moral compass that is eventually going to get him in trouble somehow.

The meeting with Claudia made me think (not for the first time) that sooner or later, one of the Jenningses is going to end up putting a bullet through her head.

I don't think any conclusion to this show is necessarily inevitable. There are any number of ways things could play out that would remain true to itself. The most likely scenario is something open-ended — out of harm's way for the time being, but for how long? This show has never been and still is not a slog. There's

Bought this album about 10 years. It holds up like a motherfucker. "Constellation Funk" contains some of his sharpest lines ever and the production work is leagues beyond always on point. The Cold Vein, though, might still hold up even better.

Russian weddings are baller as fuck.

Seth not being able to finish matches on his full arsenal of amazing moves wouldn't be as much of a problem if they were to either A) Give him multiple possible finishers to choose from like they've done with AJ Styles or B) Let him do the Freakin' CURB STOMP again, for fuck's sake.

Braun has to go full Animal House on the Drifter's guitar as soon as he sees it.

That guy on CageSideSeats who does Abridged versions of WWE shows said it best about the so-called "House Of Horrors" — "It's just a regular house for the most part".

Obviously Apollo Crews needs to take Baron Corbin's advice and go back to Ring Of Honor.

I mean, if you read the book it's obvious that Atwood intends to present a world where the oppression of women causes a decline in the quality of life for women AND for men. While there's never any question who has it worse, it's not as if the men who wield all the power in this society are actually enjoying any of

Counterpoint: No, "Closer" is not a good song.