The Jacquio

I still feel like it's a shaft that some form of SDL/Talking Smack didn't make any AVC lists of top TV of 2016. They've been solid-to-killing it week in and week out since July, probably the most consistent/quality programming WWE has managed in quite some time. At the very least, they could've given a shoutout to the

Is that…. CHARACTER GROWTH? It is! Dear god, WWE is actually allowing…. Oh wait, you say it happened on a network-only aftershow? Right, ok. Carry on, then.

They don't call me Mr. Reliable for nothing!

(500) Days Of Sober for the MLA!

Exercise thread

One more observation: Ambrose would have been pure unadulterated GOLD, week in and week out, in a non-PG era. What a pity.

Talking Smack highlights

We love her.

'Twas the ghosting before Christmas, and all through the thread,
Not a cigarette felt guilty, not even in the head

Next week, Alexa must defend her title against Carly Brown From Outta Town.

I find this approach recklessly naive (and you know I love your comments, Bli$$ed_Off, please don't take any of this too personally). Like it or not, this country is set to become even more sharply divided than ever, and we are going to need all the allies we can get. Ostracizing the well-intentioned who don't adhere

Let's face it, a lot of this anger against her is obviously lingering bitterness and resentment from her TV show being thinkpiece-bait some five years ago.

You know, when conservatives say objectionable shit, their supporters and the like-minded all rush to their defense. They don't crucify their own. The only time there's ever any backlash from that side at all is when they say something that's not in complete lockstep with their accepted ideology.

Getting sick while in the middle of a good workout routine is such a raw deal. It's like, Body! You had one job!

Thanks for reminding me that I need to renew my rec center membership so I can continue to get my swim on.

Anything where you can smoke cigarettes and eat nachos while doing it counts as exercise in my book.

My little brother has had a terrible stutter his entire life, and from what I can tell, it's only ever made him seem that much more adorable to the opposite sex. I think the key is that he has never let it shake his confidence.

This actually works better than you'd possibly think.

Exercise thread

I loved the part where Ellsworth got dropped against the announce table, and JBL's reaction was "He better not have touched my hat!"