The Jacquio

Talking Smack highlights

God, Harper is just so great at everything. His elevation to near-main-event stature is just another huge benefit of the New Wyatts storyline.

I'd love to see them doing a gender-flipped Miz/Maryse dynamic, with Ellsworth in the "cheating eye candy" role of Maryse. Picture him in glittery outfits raking Naomi's eyes while Carmella distracts the ref… oh, how glorious.

Sarcasm is always the best icebreaker.

It speaks to how little faith I have in her abilities as a "humorist" that I could see how she could have totally meant it as a tasteless joke, and just had it fall flat because her comedic instincts suck.

The last thing I'll say about this is that beautiful strangers are exactly the same as regular strangers; just treat them how you'd treat anybody else. Everybody likes to feel like they're part of the same human race, and it puts them at ease.

One thing I learned to say very early on is "I like your ______." Without being too uncomfortably physical about it, you can point out whatever accessory catches your attention, whether it be a handbag, phone case, earrings, shoes, little pet dog, or hairstyle/color/whatever they're rockin — these are generally pretty

Try to find something external to comment on. At that moment, the only thing you and the other person have in common is you happen to be in the same place at the same time. Depending on what's going on around you, there may be any number of follow-up comments to make. Even something as dumb as "Lovely weather we're

I haven't listened to the soundbite personally, but I kind of feel like if she had better comic timing, she could've got away with saying this by passing it off as a joke.

The only way this premise could've worked is if it went in an Alien/slasher-movie direction, where in the end she kills her obsessed stalker and puts herself back into hibernation. So basically the exact opposite approach it sounds like they took.

*Death by snoo snoo

Braun is basically Strong Mad and that theme confirms it.

(in dry, disinterested monotone): They don't advertise for killers in the newspaper!

Fake news was perpetrated by people within our own government!

Drop the mic, O'Neal. That was fucking amazing

See It's A Mystery, Charlie Brown for another badass Guaraldi score.

Fundamental Friend Dependability! Snoopy Come Home is unexpectedly dark in places.

Lights, please.

It's run by a big Eastern syndicate, you know!