The Jacquio

Charlie Brown's All-Stars, the semi-forgotten sports-themed special that aired between Christmas and the Great Pumpkin, is a lost classic. I also rep 1967's You're In Love, Charlie Brown super hard. After that most of the original voice cast aged out of their roles and the animated Peanuts canon started to lose its

Armando Payne ain't hype.

I'll gladly take wrestlers doing safer moves over having them risk serious injury every night. The WWE schedule is brutal enough without adding any extra danger to it.

I keep coming back to how Miz helped Dolph Ziggler win. What if it wasn't inadvertent at all? Miz just defeated Dolph something like 89 times out of 90 for the IC belt. What if he starts interfering in Dolph's title matches against AJ in an attempt to get the WWE title on a guy he KNOWS he can defeat? In other words,

Talking Smack sidebar

Mizzy IS the main event.

(George Lucas does something different):

The Jeri-KO partnership is not officially over until Owens gets added to the list. I said it, and I stand by it.

I like this list, not because I agree with any or all of it, but because it makes this place seem like it has a distinct identity, for better or worse.

Do you come here often? AVC has been pimping all this stuff all year long.

Mariner might be the best album EITHER of the collaborators have ever been involved with, which is saying a lot.

If Smackdown Live and/or Talking Smack somehow makes it onto one of these lists, it'll make the entire year seem almost worth it.

You Tried

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

Exercise thread

"…Who would like to be introduced as the 2 in 21-2…"

What a great match, so many brilliant spots:

Now that the Spirit Squad is back, someone keeps speculating that he'll reclaim his place as their rightful leader.

Mauro was pissing his pants! That was an awesome announcer sell.

I have no sympy for people who dislike Corbin. The guy is a believable monster asshole heel who respects nothing and nobody, and embodies his character to perfection. That midair-catch-into-Deep-Six-on-the-outside spot was seamless, fucking seamless. I'm not saying WWE isn't going to screw him up when he goes main