The Jacquio

The world? Fuck the world.

You've bantered a little bit already? Dude, that's totally an in! The hard part is already over. All that's left is being honest with yourself and with her. Keep it light & casual & fun though. Boil it down to its simplest elements: I want to do things with you so I can get to know you. If she's even the slightest bit

Exercise thread

I've been yearning for a Miz-Ambrose feud ever since the start of the brand split; I think they're the top 2 guys on the mic right now.

The Miz. Just… The Miz, ladies and gentlemen. The must-see superstar, the A-lister, the consummate sports entertainer. I can't think of a man in WWE who makes his every second in the spotlight count more. The guy can do it all. I mean he takes ONE guest hosting gig on Talking Smack and damn near blows up the format of

Corbin isn't quite all the way there yet, but so far he has excelled at doing the little things that make a quality asshole heel character. Like when the bell rung for the tag team match, he basically shoved Ziggler out the way and went straight after Kalisto. Just straight up disdain for the match he was in, disdain

Oh no, I found that advice quite encouraging. Like maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel or something.

Cool, if I have to keep singing & playing "No One Is To Blame" by Howard Jones over and over again on an infinite loop until it's completely out of my system, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I think part of being a Republican in America today is having evolved beyond base emotions like shame. Don't ask me what all else it entails other than pure Machiavellian tyranny and Orwellian doublethink, though. As far as I can tell, they have no principles besides "Crush your enemies".

I started tentatively working on music again. I remembered why I stopped. Doing it reminds me of a person. I like being reminded of her, but not enough to put myself back into that place. So after this weekend (I agreed to perform at a Christmas party for some reason) I'm stopping again.

Jesus, one of the first things I did after smoking weed for the first time was jerk off. And I was hanging out in a sewer at the time.

I agree with this so hard. Adam Driver was clearly the protagonist, and most, if not all, of the movie should've been portrayed from his point of view.

Oh man, I need a Corbin-Zayn feud over the IC belt in my life like, yesterday.

Comment/username synergy all day all day

I would not be surprised if AJ gives him a kayfabe career-ending injury to draw maximum heel heat, and so they can renege on the whole long-term contract thing. His appearance on Talking Smack really seemed to be trying to drive the point home that his body just isn't made to deal with the rigors of professional

What would be the point without Stephanie there to make sure we know that Women Be Making History?

It never made sense to have Corbin in the SS match to begin with. Why would a "Lone Wolf" care about helping his team win?

Corbin was fantastic and very convincing doing the Kevin Nash "vanilla midgets don't draw" shtick. He also had a good, well-reasoned argument for not wanting the cruiserweights on Smackdown, as it would take time away from guys like him. I'm already hype for the Kalisto match at TLC, and I hope it doesn't go on the

What about that moment of product placement where Jessica Chastain has athlete's foot and says "BOOM! Tough-actin' Tinactin!"

She caught my attention when Sami hit (I think) the Blue Thunder Bomb, and during the near-fall she had both hands over her mouth in complete horror and grave concern for her man. Just complete commitment to character during every moment of the match. She's really playing this cheating heel valet role to perfection.