The Jacquio

Agreed, that delayed call was wonderful. You had Ellsworth looking down at his two hands like "OMG what have I done?", Dean with his "Nonononono, don't do it" paying off with an emotional outburst after the bell, and the ref looking at one guy and then the other, as if to say "I'm sorry, I have to do this, the rules

Also, the one Cena put on Ambrose at No Mercy was probably his best one ever.

Exercise thread

I should clarify, part of my reason for asking this question is because I have a daughter, and more than once I've had people tell me that if I don't tell her she's beautiful, she'll fall for the first guy who does, or something like that. I do tell her that she's pretty, but I try to qualify it with all kinds of

Hey, it worked for the Gary Johnson campaign.

Just accept that whether or not you get the position has little to do with your actual interview performance and much more to do with a thousand stupid outside factors you have no control over. That will help you take some of the pressure off yourself and put you in a more relaxed state of mind.

What's the proper way to compliment a women's looks?

God, even Nikki does the STF better than Cena.

SD gets a lot of credit just for doing the bare minimum — everything that happens seems to have reasoning and motivation behind it, even if exactly what that is gets murky at times. Apparently, that's all it takes to make a good wrestling show! It's almost as if it's not all that different from any other type of


Superbrawl Saturday?


Weak! I'm guessing they throw this match on the HIAC pre-show as a complete afterthought if they follow up on it at all.

I skipped Raw tonight, only caught the perpetual dead horse-beatdown that was the further burial of the Club. What the hell happened with Strowman and Zayn?

This person does good comics. Good job, person.

Jackman looks fucking PERFECT here, finally he's the Logan from the comics in the flesh. I know MCU fanboys/girls love to shit all over the FoX-Men movies because they don't put everybody in the costumes straight outta the comics because they're "ashamed" of the comic book origins (whatever that may mean) but why


Memba killing Kenny?

Maybe it's just the romantic in me, but good god, Cartman and Heidi are SO SWEET. I could watch those two fawn over each other like I'm being hypnotized by Member Berries. Literal relationship goals. Bebe (or whoever it was) barfing in the bleachers at the assembly was the perfect touch.

Edward Zwick, what a hack. What happened to Christopher McQuarrie? I'd thought for sure Tom Cruise had found his late-career-director soulmate.