The Jacquio

The audiences don't cheer, they just scream in pain.

I often think about confidence in the other sense of the word — keeping a secret — and ponder whether the two definitions have anything to do with each other. Like maybe it's not just about trust. Maybe it's called "confidence" because I hold this grand secret that I am an unstoppable badass and not one motherfucker

Exercise thread

The recognition of "general sorrow" absent the name of any specific person to fill its void is an incredible breakthrough. I know I speak for several of us when I say your road has gone both ways — reading about your story and your insights along the way has helped me personally, a hell of a lot more than you know.

Women can do absolutely everything "right" and *still* get blamed if anything happens to go wrong. And then we say "LOL why are women so crazy?" It couldn't possibly have anything to do with being held to impossible standards all the time… could it?

God, this answer just completely nails it. I've grown to completely mistrust any impulse I may have to "unburden myself", or "clear the air" or "come clean" in any way. It is generally just not worth it at all.

Romantically, I've come to believe that it doesn't matter whether you tell someone how you feel or not: They most likely already know. Han Solo wasn't just talking shit. So you can look at this two ways: you can tell them, just get it out there, and stop pretending. Or, don't even bother telling them, it doesn't make

Surely if your relationship is open-ish, you've considered and possibly even accepted the odd misunderstanding which may occur from time to time. All you can do at this point is avoid the boy for at least another year, and try to keep this type of experience from recurring in the future.

So I know I'm not the only person who does this, but I often go back and "replay" significant conversations in my head and at times I'm even guilty of "revising" them like some kinda writer or something. We all do this, I know.

Last night's Denver crowd was so much hotter than this. But then again, they did have Goldberg to look forward to all night.

Raw's been patching together some decent episodes lately, but Smackdown is doing so much more with a whole lot less and manages to recapture what I loved about wrestling as a kid every week.

I'm ready for Corbin's mega-push. Once this business with Styles/Ambrose wraps up, why not throw Ellsworth to the Lone Wolf. It'll keep him on TV with the company and I'll bet he could sell getting pummelled with 8 billion forearms to the head really well.

By all means, feel free to start from the beginning and list everything from A. We'll wait.

Longmont Potion Castle is a pretty good absurdist, nearly "dada-esque" prank phone caller.

Zhane! Hey Mr. DJ! Hell of a good memory there.

No rule. Literally whatever you feel like listing. I do everything.

OK, stay with me now… let's say Sami and Braun feud over the next few months, 50/50 booked all to hell, ending with the final blow-off at TLC, where Sami finally succeeds in slaying the monster for good. That would be a PERFECT way to build Sami Zayn as the one who eventually defeats the Beast. I know, I know, they're

God bless Smackdown Live's creative team for figuring out a way to make a woman's inherent sexiness into a running joke about how she'll never actually have a match. I wish I could place any faith in Raw to pull off anything near that clever.

The way my mind kayfabes it is that it gives them more leverage, like he has to lock in the Accolade *even harder* to keep his balance because the ring steps aren't quite as sturdy as the mat. Or something like that.

You just KNOW Owens is going to sell being added to the list like he just saw his family get murdered in front of him. It's going to be GLORIOUS