The Jacquio

"Starting to"? I feel like they're only just recently barely getting to a point where they've recovered somewhat from his injury having completely blown their plans to shit.

See, if we did that too soon, his chances of winning would DRASTIC GO DOWN

Screw it, I like Roman now. All it took was a completely one-sided beatdown from Rusev where he *didn't* pop back up and nail him with a Superman Punch one minute later. I even think their HIAC match might actually be good.

When is Brock going to start getting some honest-to-God X-Pac heat for putting on such shitty matches? I can't wait to see.

What, no adding Kurt Angle to the mix?

eXamine Your Zippers, everybody! It's time for your XYZ-lists! And time to kiss this little ritual goodbye. Thanks for making this space for us, Modell. And for putting up with all of the crap we've given you for not having this or that or for purging the wrong thing or not purging the right thing. Whatever, people! A

It needs to be on Netflix or Amazon Prime or something. Fantastic show, eminently bingeable.

God, 39 years and change and A New Hope still hasn't aged a day.

Regrettably, yes. I reserve some flexibility with what the exact meaning of "obvious pseudonym" is, though. So like Iggy Pop would be under I. But then something like Joey Ramone may very well fall under R. It makes sense in my head, I guess.

It's a classic case of the letter grade not quite matching the amount of praise in the review, I guess.

I'll never forget the AV Club's original review of this movie. "C-minus. Ugh. But seriously, go see it anyway, it's gonna become a cult classic."

*Madame President Kim Kardashian

Unwound were fucking awesome.

Right now all of my dream matches involve James Ellsworth in some capacity.

Exeecise thread

I broke with my usual convention and listed Stevie Wonder under S, adhering to the "obvious pseudonym, go by first name" rule. Apparently that's incorrect though.

Carrie Underwood

Which is why it's important that we marginalize anybody who espouses the same views.

This is what I'm afraid of. From the beginning, I never thought Trump had a chance. My real concern was over the "next Trump" — someone with charisma and political cunning and a modicum of public speaking ability (and without the baggage of already being a celebrity) who decides to tap into the same bigoted vein that

Trump losing the election is only the beginning. We need to damage his brand and his legacy beyond repair. We need to make sure his cable news channel never even gets off the ground. We need to bury this motherfucker six feet under.